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Gif of Ash in the sidebar can actually improve your day by 100% 

tested and proven by me.



After skillfully avoiding Luke all day at school, I was faced with English class. Not that I regret kissing him, because I really don’t, just that ‘dating’ Ashton right now means I can’t have anything to do with Luke. I find him sitting in his same spot, practically staring at the door. I give him a small smile and take my seat. Our teacher starts and soon calls our name to perform our scene. Running through the monologue and knowing my lines is easy, but trying to ignore the chemistry between Luke and I was almost impossible.

            “Wow, you two. That was very believable. Great work.” Our teacher beams at us. “Ok so I am keeping you in the same pairs for the rest of the quarter to work on the next project!” I tune her out, focusing on how stressful this is becoming to juggle Luke and Ashton.

            “Are you ok?” Luke stops me on the way out of English, lightly grabbing my wrist turning me to face him.

            “Fine. I just can’t do this with you.”

            “The next project?”

            “No. Be more than friends. We both know that I am basically with your brother. What happened this weekend can’t happen again.” I force myself to look away from his piercing blue eyes that have now turned to ice with sadness.

            “Oh. Right. Yea. Ok. No worries.” He blurts out sentences, obviously to cover his pain. I just wish there was something I could do about my pain. “I’ll see you around then. By Scar.”

            “So this weekend at the away game Ashton will probably want some alone time. Do you know what to do?” Blake asks when we meet in the media room after school.

            “I think I can figure it out. I’m a little inexperienced, but not stupid.” I am growing increasingly tired of them treating me like a child. For once I’d love to make a decision on my own about this.

            “Fine. Just make sure you stick to the plan in taking him down. Do or don’t do anything with him” Stella reminds me. One by one we take turns leaving the room, so to not draw attention.

            “Hey babe!” I run into Ashton in the parking lot, he is clearly fresh from practice. I can smell his body wash radiating off of him and his curly locks are wet and stuck to his forehead after his shower.


            “You excited for this weekend?” He takes both of my hands in his own, lifting them in the air and lacing our fingers together while leaning me slightly against the side of my car.

            “Yea. It’ll be nice to get away.”

            “From?” He raises an eyebrow at me knowingly.

            “Just my mom. We got into a fight.”

            “You’ll work it out, don’t worry about it.”

“Thanks.” The ball is in my court to apologize to her, I know she is right.

“Besides, just focus on spending some quality time with me this weekend.” He flashes his 1000-watt smile creating dimples like craters in his cheeks. I’ve come to be captivated by Ashton’s smile. It has this weird affect on me, like some sort of super power it brings me to my knees. He places a few kisses on my jaw line drawing nearer to my lips. My thinking goes cloudy and everything else fades away, even my thoughts of Luke.

“I should go,” I manage to pull away from Ashton’s soft lips. “I have a lot of homework.” He places one last light kiss on my lips before letting me go.


            “Why didn’t you show Scarlett the video?” Stella calls me later in the night. Over the course of this operation I’ve been video taping everything. The girls and I sensed that Scarlett was falling for Ashton or getting distracted so we went and did some spying.

            “It didn’t seem like the right time. After the away game, ok? We’ll see how far she actually goes with him. If she goes all the way then that means she really has fallen for him.”

            “Fine. This better work.” I hang up and resume typing away at my laptop, there was no way this little game was getting in the way of my straight A’s.


            “So she kissed you back then said just friends?” Michael clarified what I had just told him. I nodded. “You sure you’re not a terrible kisser?” He jokes, though I am not in the mood for his humor.

            “Really, Mikey?”

            “Sorry. But that sucks, dude.”

            “What do I do?” I run a hand through my quiff, completely messing it up. Not that it matters anymore; I’m not leaving the house again tonight.

            “Forget about her?”

            “I can’t. We are still English partners. And I don’t want to.” I let out a sigh and flop face first onto my bed. Why couldn’t my brother let one girl go through without getting his hands on her?  

took this chapter down, and reuploaded it. Hopefully all of you can see it now, if not please comment and let me know! 

so new perspectives :) 

what do you think the girls caught on tape? 

also i just want to clarify before i get a whole bunch of comments saying scarlett is a whore. I am trying to parallel the movie best i can but with my own spin. Her conflition between the brothers is real but i just vamped it up a bit so it's more emotional. k? k cool. 

bc i lost all my votes/comments when i reuploaded, it would be super rad if you could revote or comment whatever you did last time! i'd really appreciate it! Love you guys! xo -Rachel 

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