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I woke up knowing that school was going to be hell. Still dressed in my pjs I make my way downstairs. My mom is already awake, which is unusual. "Mom?" I grab her attention away from her newspaper. 

        "Morning sweetie. How was your weekend?" I appreciated that she was pretending that we weren't still angry with the other. I groaned in response to her questioin, pour myself a bowl of cereal. 

        "Let's just say you were right. It all blew up in my face. And I hurt two really amazing guys in the process." 

        "I know my relationship stuff affect you, I made mistakes. But I would never plan to hurt somebody." 

        "I just got so caught up in it, I guess I was invisible for so long that it felt good to be noticed." I confess. I never really wanted to hurt Ashton, just to be wanted for once. I don't even know who my real friends are anymore. 

        "I know." I sigh and head back upstairs to get ready for school. 


The day dragged on. I needed it to be english class so I could talk to Scarlett. Upon entering the classroom I see her speaking with the teacher and catch part of their conversation. "I'm sorry Scarlett. The pairs have been set, it would upset the rest of the class to move people around. It just one more project. Besides you and Luke work so well together!" All through class I tried to catch her gaze but she kept her eyes glued to the board. 

        "Scar!" I call to her on the way out the door, finally catching up to her. "So can you please explain to me why my brother wants to kill me right now?" She stayed quiet. 

        "He just found out about the kiss and we were basically together when it happened. I'm sorry you got dragged into this." 

        "I don't care. Are you alright though? I know how he is when he is angry."

        "Alright I guess." As we walk down the hallway I notice three girls I recognized from different cliques coming out from the media room, shooting a glare at Scarlett. Something about it doesn't sit right with me. 

        "Scarlett. Now can you explain that to me? Charlotte, Blake and Stella hate each other." 

        "I don't know." 

        "You were different, and now you're like the rest of them. You fell for my brother!" 

        'No, I-I didn't. It's not like that I-"

        "It's something you planned with them. It's just a joke to you isn't it? Do you know why Ashton fell for you?" She innocently shakes her head no. "He thinks you're the first honest relationship he's had."

        "He's not that innocent either!" She fires back. "You know how he is." 

        "Everyone knows how he can be. He's Ashton Irwin." My volume was raising, attracting the glances of strangers in the hallway. "Yet every girl lines up to date him, knowing what they know. And yes he lies to get them to fall for him. I can't imagine someone who would do that, can you?" I knew my words were harsh but she needed to hear them. Walking away saves me from apologizing to the sad look in her big green eyes. 


Luke's words stung, and I knew everything was over. My only hope is that he wouldn't tell Ashton. I make it home before I start crying. I go to my closet and rip out all of the sparkly obnoxious clothes the girls gave me to wear. It was time to reinvent myself. 

Not sure how I feel about this chapter. 

Might go back and edit. idk. 

But trying to wrap this story up! Only probably three more chapters!

comment your guess on who she'll end up with! :) xo -Rachel 

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