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Its been almost a day and I am still playing over what Ashton told me in my brain. "Dude, she did what?" I was reluctant to tell Michael, but he got it out of me. I can never hide anything from him, he knows me too well. 


        "Dude. She's so in love with you!"

        "Whatever. I'm still pissed her and the other three made a plan to purposly hurt Ashton." 

        "Oh c'mon Luke. You as well as anyone knows he deserved it at least a little." I let out a sigh. He was right. But there was no way I can face Scarlett now, after knowing what happened. I'm flattered and quite frankly happy that she was thinking about me in bed. It's still awkward because it was with my step brother. 

        "Yea I know. I miss her like crazy. I'll try to catch her after the game if she goes." 


I followed my friends up the bleachers, almost to the top where we sat down to watch the game. Soon after arriving the team races through a paper with our mascot painted on it, Ashton leading the boys. I felt horrible about what happened. He was genuinly a great guy, and I hate that I hurt him. All I can hope is that all this drama doesn't distract from the game. "Scarlett?" A hand waved in front of my face. 

        "Huh? What?" 

        "You spaced out. You ok?" Charlotte questions, he eyebrows knit together in confusion as she stared at me. 

        "Fine." I smile. I spot Luke down towards the front with a couple I'm assuming to be his mom and step dad. My heart sinks farther. I hurt him too, and lost his friendship. I snapped out of my thoughts again as the beginning whistly blows. Five minutes in, it's apperent that Ashton is channeling any anger towards me into playing. He's already taken down two of the opposing teams members. 

Everyone flooded the field at the end of the game. We had won, with a goal in the last few minutes. The crowd flowed and I followed it down to the field, searching for Ashton. I spotted his curly hair a few feet away. "Ashton!" I forced my way through. "Look I just want to say I'm sorry. I had no idea they filmed any of that." 

        "I'm sorry too. I know that I've been a dick, to a lot of people not just you. But I want to change that."

        "That's great. I'm really proud of you. But I meant what I said in the video. Not in that harsh of a way, but I don't think you're the guy for me. We had a lot of fun while it lasted, and I just want you to know that it wasn't all a lie." 

        "It's ok, I understand. I think I knew it when you said my brother's name in bed." I cringed and covered my face with my hands. I could hear his laugh and a second later he moved them. "I'm not mad. We had a good run. None of it was a lie for me either." His arms wrap around me in a tight hug. 


I spent the rest of the weekend making a playlist for Luke. When I got to school monday morning my plan to give it to him then backfired, he was obviously avoiding me. I tried to get his attention in the school hallway for days. By Wednesday I was annoyed, I know he was mad at me, but he was just being rude. 

        "Michael!" I spot the red-headed boy in the hallway. He half smiles at me and slows down so I can catch up. "Have you seen Luke? He's been avoiding me all week."

        "I would try the audio/media room. He's mad though, thinks you go back together with Ashton."

        "Why would he think that?" We stop in front of his locker. He exchanges the books he's carrying for his backpack. 

        "He saw you two smiling and hugging after the game. I tried to tell him it probably wasn't what he thought." Michael shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "It wasn't right?" 

        "No! I was telling him that we were better off as friends." I huff and and walk away from him towards the audio room. Sure enough I find Luke sat at a computer, his headphones in softly humming a tune to himself. A scene much like the day we met. I tap his shoulder, scaring the shit out of him. 

        "What the hell?" He almost jumps out of his seat. 

        "Sorry!" I stifle a giggle. 

        "What do you want?" His tone is cold but I sit in the chair next to him anyway. 

        "To tell you you're an idiot." He scoffs turning back to the computer. "I didn't get back together with your brother. I was telling him he's not the guy for me." Luke slowly turns in his chair to face me, listening more intently. "Here, I uh made you this." I hand him the CD I was holding in my hands. It was in a clear case and the words I wrote on the front of the disc were clearly visable: 'I really love you but I'm not good with words, so here you go." Luke cracked a smile. 

        "Well I'll have to listen to it first to make sure it's a good mix, but-" I shook my head, placing one of my hands on the back of his neck moving his face closer to mine to kiss him. "I really love you too."  He breathes when we pull apart. 

        "So wanna get outta here?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him causing him to laugh. Luke packs up his things and takes my hand as we walk out of the building. 

Wow. that was such a sappy ending. Sorry about that. 

So yes, she ended with Luke. Everyone happy? (been planning that since day one) 

seriously debated having her end up alone, but happy without them. So maybe comment if you want me to write like an alternative ending. 

Thank you soooo much to everyone whose read this. It means a lot. 

if you like my writing I have a lot more stories. Currently working on a Harry Styles one (Maid in Manchester), Michael Clifford (Give Me Love), and Ashton Irwin (All I Wanted) So please go check those out I would really appreciate it!!

xo -Rachel 

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