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            “How was your date?” My stepbrother’s voice sounds from the living room, in a tone less than interested in my answer.

            “Great, actually. Scarlett is something else.” I smile as I reminisce on the night. 

            “Yea, I know.” Luke grumbles, as he pushes past me and up the stairs, a few seconds later his door slams shut. With a shrug of my shoulders, I follow his path but turn into my room instead. In my pocket my phone buzzes as Calum calls me.

            “Sup, man.”

            “How was your date? Did you get lucky?” I can practically see him wiggling his eyebrows at me through the phone.

            “No, I didn’t.” I let out a sigh. Honestly it had been my plan to at least get a little bit farther with Scarlett then I did, but once we started talking my thoughts changed.

            “Well, whose going to be next then if she won’t put out?”

            “No one, Cal.” I speak harshly at my friend. “I’m just going to see where this goes, alright?”

            “Never thought I’d hear those words from you, Ash. But alright. But I bet in a few weeks you’ll be back to the old you. See you tomorrow.”



After letting my phone miss three calls from Ashton in one night, we decided I should answer the next one. The four of us were sat in front of my TV in my room watching bad rom coms, eating pizza and junk food. Tonight was all about just hanging out for once. No plotting, no lessons on how to handle Ashton. Just normal girls night. It felt nice. This is what it’s like to have real friends, I feel like I could physically explode from excitement. I’m finally becoming somewhat of a normal teenager. “How long do you think before he calls back?”

            “I’d give it a half an hour.” Stella estimates. Sure enough, thirty minutes later my phone was blaring Mariana’s Trench as my ringtone. I’d changed it shortly after Luke gave me the mix CD.

            “Hello?” I question, as if my caller id didn’t indicate who it was. Holding it out from my ear I put it on speaker so we can all hear.

            “Hey, Scarlett. It’s me.” I don’t respond, making him keep going. “Ashton.” Again I stay silent, trying to hold back a giggle hearing him panic. “Ashton Irwin.”

            “Oh hey. I just got in. What’s up?”

            “I uh was just wondering what you were up to on Saturday?” Charlotte signals for me to decline.

            “Saturday? Ooo, I can’t. Busy that night.”

            “Oh alright. What about Friday?” He was beginning to sound desperate. I almost felt bad.

            “Friday is good.” We could basically hear him sigh in relief.

            “Great. I’ll pick you up at eight.” With that the call ended.

I push my way through the crowded hallways to my locker, grabbing the books and folders I need for the weekend. After school I have to work on my project with Luke, before needing to get ready for my date with Ashton.

            “Hey,” I flash Luke a smile, sitting across from him in the library.

            “Hi,” he barley looks up from reading Romeo and Juliet. “So we’re almost done with this, right? We present next week?”

            “Um yea. We should meet before then and practice acting out the scene.”

            “We could just do it at my house tonight.” Luke offers, finally meeting my gaze. Making me feel terrible for my next sentence.

            “I can’t I’m um busy.“

            “Alright. What about Sunday?”

            “Sunday works. You can come to mine?”

            “I’ll be there.” His lopsided smile deepens the dimple in one of his cheeks. I take a minute to stare, taking in all of Luke’s features. I’ve found him attractive since day one, but he is a beautiful human. The way his jawline is so defined, curving towards his small nose right under his impossibly blue eyes. “Scar? Did you hear me?”

            “What?” I snap out of my trance, trying not to focus on how he called me Scar, it sounding like words to my favorite song slipping from his mouth.

            “I asked did you understand this line?” Luke points to a line about halfway through the scene. We talk and discuss the play, until I look at my phone and need to leave.

Stella, Charlotte and Blake are already outside my house when I arrive home. “Where the hell were you?” Stella freaks out as we walk into my house.

            “Working on a project. I told you guys that.”

            “Oh right. With whats his face, Ashton’s weird brother.”

            “Luke,” I quickly correct the head cheerleader. “His name is Luke.”

            “Whatever. Just change into this.” Blake shoves some clothes at me. Slipping on a black three quarter length sleeve shirt, and a pale pink tutu. Ignoring the girls protests that I should wear heels, I slip on my worn black combat boots. Stella helps with my hair, curling it into big waves that cascade down my back, and a bit of light make up. As much as I hated to admit it, I was anxious to be with Ashton again.

wow. i just hit my stride and couldn't stop writing. I actually really like how this turned out so vote/comment and let me know if you liked it!! 

I don't even know who i ship more at this point to be honest. 

picture on the side is her outfit :) xo -Rachel

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