Turning Out

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I slowly awake and the first thing I hear is arguing.

“-just believe you?”

“Get over it Stark we have to work together on this!”

I hear someone quietly singing next to me but it's almost impossible to hear. Without meaning to I shift to hear them better.

“Tony-“ Steve started.

“Thanos is a bigger problem then New York!” Loki cut him off.

“No! The big problem is that my son is being targeted!” Tony screamed.

“I know that he is that's why I've been watching over him!”

I try to make out the person who was singing’s words, “Am I ready for love? Or maybe just a best friend. Should there be a difference? Do you have instructions?”

“Like that helps! Oh my we're saved Loki is protecting Peter!”

You say I turned out fine, I think I'm still turning out.”

“HEY! At least I have been looking after someone other than my-”

I'm a little kid with so much doubt. Do you want to be there to see how I turn out?”

I groan and everyone quiets down, I hear people take a few steps away from me and the singing stops. Someone takes my hand and the feel of leather made me lean into the person who I was guessing was Wade.

“Hey Baby Boy, you okay?” I gave him a small nod and everyone releases a breath, but the atmosphere was still think.

“Hands off of him Wade.”

Wade's hands try to let me go but I keep them in my grip.


I open my eyes and smile up at Wade, then I look at the family in front of me.

“How long-“ Loki smiled at me, “only a couple of hours.”

“Hey Kid.” Tony looks at me but I could tell he was on edge.

“Hi... so what is left to be talked about? Because I don’t think you guys wouldn’t talk while I was out.”

“Is it true about May?” Tony asked his eyes full of guilt. I look at Loki and he smiles at me. “Yeah… I’m sorry…” Tony looked upset when he realized that he couldn’t get any closer.

“You have nothing to be sorry about… I should’ve realized when she never answered or was never home. I should’ve been there for you.”

“It was a couple years ago… I know you did the best you could do.”


“So other then that… what have you talked about.” I ask cutting Tony off.

“Thanos… we know he is coming. We just don’t know when.” Steve said, knowing that I wanted to get off the conversation.

“Well then let’s figure out a plan so we’ll be ready.”

They all nodded agreeing with me, and Wade looked down at me.

“But I have a question…” Clint started, “What is he even after? Like why is he going after Peter?” Everyone agreed.

“The Infinity Stones, come on brother don’t you know anything?”

Thor looked at Loki and just shook his head, “I know about the stones but what they have to do with Man of Spiders I still don’t understand.”

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