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In 4510, Redhound is the most famous dead slayer clan in Hisellia. All those Redhounds by blood or students are skilled dead slayer that never failed mission.

In 4506, Zack Redhound was dead, together with his wife Dellara Redhound, the news said there was some damage in the carriage they rode on their trip to Troca and the carriage soon found in the bottom of Nox cliff, torn to pieces, but both Redhounds bodies, went missing. The news passed around slowly and a month after, the three children learned their parents' death. Trix, the oldest student of Zack Redhound. Retired from hunting, married, and living her normal life, Brook, the oldest child by blood and the only male child of the couple, and Bess, their youngest one. But all three of their children being familiar with deaths, and aware of how dangerous their business is weren't really surprised either. All of the children have been moving from place to place, concealing themselves from doing too many social activities like how a dead slayer normally work, professional, clean, fast, and quietly.

Vampires--or in this case, nightwalkers--and werewolves--or in this case, lunatics--aren't something extraordinary in Hisellia. Since the early 3000s, they've been living side by side with humans. Werewolves are just disease since the beginning, someone sighted a black wolf, dangerous creatures that were hunted to extinction in the late 2000s, he was bitten when he tried to kill it. He then became the first werewolf in Hisellia and bit another human. In werewolf's case, the human will turn to the big wolf when it's a full moon, attack however and whoever it wants, and forget it the next morning. That's why that time, only the term wolf slayer was used since the vamps weren't such a threat back in the day. But yes, like the legends and stories said, nightwalkers live their life off of blood. Any blood, they used to be able to live off of human food too, but they still need blood to keep themselves going. So promises made, nightwalker sworn to feed off of animals blood saying they want to live peacefully alongside humans.

But everything went downhill when Vleimier's youngest child bit one young man, that turn to something people call level 2, a weaker nightwalker that couldn't live off of human food or animals blood. They will then bit another human, turning them to something people now call level 3, a worse kind of nightwalker, zombie-like, couldn't be reasoned, and they always, suck a human dry, killing them. Since then slowly the line between nightwalkers and human fade, the more the clan grew, the more they pretend the deal between human and nightwalkers were never there in the first place. Even though the government still have that one page signed by the purebloods, but human will never win against the nightwalkers, therefore the government turned a blind eye, and when the level 2 and level 3 started to bit more human, some people turn themselves to night-hunter, or wolf slayer then evolved to what we call nowadays, dead slayer.

Some dead slayer works only for money, receiving requests, and only kill those in the requests. Some others kill both creatures that come across their path, no matter what they have or haven't done. But it is, still impossible for a human to kill purebloods. At least that's what the people thought, rumor said, there was one Redhound, years ago, killed one pureblood, but the story was shut down, because the purebloods were scared to exist bellow human, and there was no evidence either.

The story then continues, when Bess Redhound took her walk towards Nox, where she received requests from rich people that give big offers to a Redhound, even for a small problem that can be handled by anyone.

Well, at least that's what she thinks.

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