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"And... start." 

Bess started the stopwatch, as the training room's light dimmed, and white holograms of human starting to appear and running. 

Henryk lift his crossbow quickly, just half a second after the first target appear, and he shoots, destroying it, and quickly moving to the other target and shoot. 

Bess' watching his every moves, his posture is sturdy, his arm strong and doesn't shake when he pulls the trigger. 

This is a different Henryk. 

When the lights in the room are fully back on, Bess stop the stopwatch, and read the time, she smirked. 

"How was it?" Henryk panted, and he looked at Bess with both eyes full of hope. 

"Seven point thirty two." 

Henryk cursed, and look away. He pretends to do it all over again, trying to make his body moves faster. 

"That's quite good enough, but let's do it again." Bess took several steps back into the corner again. She heard a little whine going off of Henryk's mouth but nothing more. That makes her realizes how he had stopped complaining. He still whines, but to himself. He'd do anything, regardless how sore his body is. 

Henryk does the aiming practice all over again, but Bess has something behind her sleeves. 

When she realizes Henryk's hitting the last target, and the light was about to turn on, she turns the stopwatch off, throwing it to the side, and charge towards Henryk's blind spot. 

He heard her, and turns around in surprise, trying to aim his crossbow towards Bess but she's quicker, kicking the bow off of Henryk's arm. He lost it, but he took no time to be surprised, and charges back at Bess. 

He's smaller, so Bess is at a disadvantage. She doesn't really fight with someone or something smaller, so she's not used to it, but three weeks training wouldn't make Henryk raises so much to her level. 

Kick there, and punch here. Despite Henryk's slow punches, he's good at dodging. Bess tried to hook her legs to Henryk's but he cartwheeled to the side in time, and then charge again. Bess dodged him to the side, but when she's about to go back at him, he managed to pick up his weapon and aim it to Bess. 

Bess quickly hits break, and stopped before the pointy end of the crossbow could jab through her chest. Henryk doesn't really mind now that he knows she couldn't be harmed. 

"Seriously, Bess, don't you think that's cheap?" Henryk panted, and losing his pose, letting both of his arms lay rest besides his body. 

"No, it's training, good job." She smiled, and walks back, picking up the stopwatch on the floor. 

"Six point forty one. Let's just sleep, alright 'lil boy? You've spent six days training midnight, you have to stop living like a bat. I'll fit your training schedule for the day next week." Bess glanced to her wrist watch, it's almost morning even, twenty-ish past four. Henryk scoffs. 

"No, that's alright, you go to sleep. I like it, training at this hour. I feel more alive, and I don't have to meet a lot of people at the day, it's still easy to find food because some of the kitchen staffs are always on stand by, I love it." Henryk puts the Crossbow to the rack, back to where it belongs, and he takes his bandages, starting to wrap those around his knuckles. 

"Up to you, son, but I'm not risking my beauty sleep for you anymore, nah-uh. You'll be with Brook for most of next week, alright?" She yawned and turned around for the door. 

"Okay. Night Bess, thank you for tonight."

Bess smiled, and lift her arm to wave Henryk goodbye, back facing him. 

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