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The sun shined, and Bess can feels her body getting warmer. Feeling the bright light piercing her eyes, she open them slowly, only to change her position to back face the sun and close her eyes again. 

But something is rustling when she moves, and she tries to see what it is from her blurry eyes, and found a black-yellow jacket in her arms. 

What was that? Her bed cover is colored in red, and her bed sheet is all white, there's nothing that's black or yellow. 

She gasps, and quickly sits up. She looks around, and her eyes found the clock, 10 AM. She picks the jacket up to match her eye, gives it an angry stare and throws it to the other side of the bed. She slaps her forehead and slides it down her face. 

Matthew Boiga. Always had a chance to annoys her, not now, not before. Always. 

"Something's up, sis?" 

Bess looks towards the agape door, and finds Brook standing, leaning to the frame. Bess grunts. 

"Yes, apparently, but no mood to be talking about it. What time will the meeting be starting today? I'm not late, am I?"

 Brook shrugs, "No, the meeting will starts as we lunch together, but the guests have already started coming. I know you need more sleep but I suggest you prepare now." He stands straight, and closing the door before he leaves, probably going to great the guests. 

Bess grunts, and force herself out of the bed to take a bath.

She smelled like Matt now, she isn't sure if she likes it or hates it.


Bess' heels clacking through the empty hall. Her hearts, somehow raced as she makes her way to dining room. She constantly tried to check her appearance, making sure her shirt red turtleneck isn't wrinkly, and properly tucked into her black skirt. She'd comb the tip of her long red hair, and placing them on her chest. 

She couldn't really say that she's nervous, but she's excited to present her first student to the others. Even though she knows, the feedback would unlikely be nice words, but she's wishing to see their scared face when they know how good Henryk can be. 

When her steps brings her to the front of the dining room door, a maid stopped her. 

"Pardon me, Miss. Bess, but shouldn't you be at the garden meeting room?" 

Bess frowned, "Yes? Are they going to meet there?" 

"I'm supposed so, my lady. I think you should make your way there instead, they'd be expecting you." 

Bess nods, "Sure, thanks Cally."

The maid curtsied as she left, and she quicken her pace as she made her path to the garden. 

Yes, she remembers now. This year's anniversary will be different by inviting the mixed blooded family into the house for an income meeting and also about the auction, but Bess forgot. Completely. 

When she arrived the families are already seated, but still casually making informal conversation with one another. Those of Redhounds would be wearing red, and those that are born from marriage with another clan and took by the other clan, wear their own clan colors, Boiga with Black and Yellow, Deathstalkers in straw yellow, Bluebottle in blue, Nightingale in Brown, and Raven in black. 

Bess takes a seat beside Brook, who's looking very neat that day with black shirt and red suit. She pulls her chair closer to the table and whispered to Brook. 

"Don't tell me they are waiting for me." She said, while trying to look for another empty chair. 

"Uncle Snow and great-uncle Ben are late too, and I don't know, I thought uncle Elias should be coming, so does great-aunty Maya." 

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