Hisselia Map and Redhound's Family Tree

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The color's explanation: 

Black stripes: Border
Green stripes: Forests / Trees
Blue stripes: Water / Sea
Red Stripes: Dangerous zone (cliffs, steep area.) 
There's one airport in Orro, but it's very expensive and because it is an apocalyptic world at the moment, people couldn't really travel for leisure. People could travel for another reason, leisure is also one of the options but there are not many places that people could relax on the outer world. Usually, the one using the air or water transportations would be hunters / dead slayers that are called to help the other countries. 

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I realized the family tree could be very confusing (because I mean... I'm also confused.) and I lost my draft so if you can ignore the who is who's brother, and who is who's daughter, you can just ignore this family tree and keep on reading like normal because obviously some of these people will only be mentioned once or twice in a conversation or thing that aren't too important. And because the story is still on going, there might be some character added in the future, I don't think I'll add them to the family tree. This is just to make clear the descendants from Alastair's side of family (which revolves around Bess and Brooke).

I also realize that there are tons of grammatical error happened in the early chapters, and I'll go back on fixing it as soon as I can. I'm also sorry if you've been waiting for an update on this story, I'll try my best on finishing it. 

Also check up on my other fantasy story, called Half an Angel, I almost complete it, and if you like this story you might also like that one. Thank you for staying with me. 

Enjoy the next chapter! 

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