Biksha : The Trapped Vampire

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Biksha is that one part of Orro that's not too crowded. Filled by farmers, workers, basically all the small people of Orro, the ones that are not the riches (but still rich enough to be a part of the restless town) 

Brook was walking in front of Bess and Henryk who's obviously nervous. Bess is nervous too, shockingly, she knows that the kid isn't ready, but sometimes adrenaline is that one thing that can make someone truly decide if they are ready or not. 

Bess stopped walking when Brook met with the farmer nearby, and it turns out he's the one sending the request to Bess. Bess gears up, wearing her gloves, and taking out the UV knife that she put in the pocket on her jacket's arm. 

"Ok, um... what is exactly that I have to do?" Henryk turns around, facing Bess and trying to not sounding too out of breath. Bess shrugs. 

"Basically anything, everything you can do to keep those vampires from sinking their teeth into our skin." 

Henryk frowned. "YOUR skin?" 

"Uh-huh." Bess put her knife away and tie her hair up with the black hair tie she keeps on her wrist all the time. 

"So, the plan is," Bess crouch down to match her eye level with Henryk. "Me, and Brook, would pretend that we're dying in the middle of the forest. You hide, wait for the right time. If my calculation is not wrong, they'd be coming after us, and that's when you jump in. 

"Save our asses."  Bess smirked, and standing back up. She took the crossbow off of her back and hand it over to Henryk. 

"This is yours for the day. Don't screw it up." She pats Henryk's head and walk ahead of him, to Brook's that's signaling the both of them to come and follow him. 

Right into the forest. 

Henryk was shaking, but he keeps telling himself everything will be alright. After all, the Redhounds are still there, right? Just 'pretending' to be dead. 

They keep on walking deeper into the forest that lead to empty building in South Biksha, and stopped not far from the entrance. 

"Ok, little Redhound." Brook turns around to pat Henryk's shoulder, "You ready now?" 

Henryk tried to make sure and look to Bess once more time, and then to Brook. He was more or less hoping for one of them to tell him 'Just kidding!' like... right about now. 

But neither of them say anything. He wouldn't want to disappoint anybody, especially his own trainers. He tried to imagine how good would it be if they award him with the weekend holiday to town, that would be awesome. 

Yes he can do it. 

What's there to be afraid of? 

Just a blood sucking undead creature, that's somehow so ferocious they had to come up with the terms of dead slayer. 

"Yeah. I guess." After what it feels like a year, Henryk nods, and gulp the bitter lump in his throat. 

There is nothing, to be afraid of. Nothing. 

"Now, don't be too surprised, but we'll be 'dead' for a moment, and that would be very convincing so, take your position now, we'll take ours." Brook said, pointing towards the closer end of the forest that lead to their position. Henryk took backward steps, unwilling to take his eyes off of the siblings. 

He watched Brook took his knife out of his back pocket, and then flip it open. He pulls Bess closer slowly, and Bess slide her jacket down a bit to show her bare neck to Brook. Brook's knife makes it's way towards Bess' neck. 

"What are you doing?" Henryk asked, but Brook doesn't reply.

"You wouldn't cut--" 

He does. His knife dig the surface of Bess' neck, she hissed and blood pour from the small wound. 

As Bess is writhing in pain, she took her own knife and give Brook the same wound. They sit on the floor together, back to back, and leaning to each other, closing their eyes like they're sleeping. 

Henryk's heart raced, and he suddenly finds it hard to breath. He turns around, aiming his crossbow to the forest, but it's so silent, making it eerie instead. 

His heart is seriously thumping, he feels like his heart is going to jump out of his mouth soon enough. He tried to listen, but there's nothing there, nothing. He can even hear his own heartbeat and panting breath. 

He glanced back, to where the Redhounds sibling are sitting, what if they ran out of blood soon? And they're dead? And there's no way to save them? What if the vampire is just not coming? 

He looks back to the forest, shuffling on his feet that's almost going numb. He walks around, trying to see deeper into the forest. It's still noon, but it's cloudy today. 

He look again to the Redhounds. 

"Hello, kiddy." 

He gasped, and almost falling back butt first, but he aimed his bow higher. 

"Who are you?" He studies the figure, it's just a normal man, standing there, using a white shirt and gray cotton pants. His feet are bare and he's so skinny Henryk can see his cheekbones clearly. 

"I lived here, what's wrong with these two?" The man bowed down, going to reach for Bess, but Henryk took a closer step. 

"Don't touch them." He said, hiding the suffocation in his tone. 

"They seriously need help, kid, I can help." He frowned, and stepping closer to Henryk. Henryk watched the man get close to him, what if he's just a normal villager? 

And that's when the man got close enough for Henryk to see the sharp fang inside his mouth, and he pulled the trigger to his Crossbow. 

A hard wind blew, and Henryk had to close his eyes for a moment. 

When he open his eyes, the man was gone. 

He quickly approach Bess and Brook and shook their body. 

"Bess, Brook, please, you got to wake up now!" He whispered loud, but the siblings won't budge. 

"Brook, Bess!" 

Henryk suddenly hear a loud grunt from behind him, and he turns around, finding the same man, paler this time, and his fangs grew longer. He charged towards Henryk, as fast as the light, and Henryk couldn't do anything except shooting blindly. 

The next second later, he feels his crossbow was yanked out of his hands, and when he opened his eyes, he found the bow thrown far to the side, and the creature is standing tall in front of him. 

"No, please..." 

"You're not a Redhound are you?" The creature squints his eyes to Henryk, and that question pained him. 

"Well, Redhound or not, it's still a good riddance, the Redhound would be extinct soon enough anyway." It's hand reached for Henryk, grabbing his neck and lift him like a leaf to the air. Henryk struggled. 

He knows well if he wants to be a Redhound he couldn't be this weak. 

He shouldn't. 

He struggled hard, kicking the monster's hand, digging his nails to the hand that's holding his neck. 

But his vision starting to turn blurry, and the last thing he saw was, the creature, throwing him down to the floor, before the creature himself was thrown up to the air like something is pushing it, and pass out.  

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