Redhounds' Secret

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Bess couldn't help but took a peek from her closed eyes when she heard a thud, and she found the vampire had stopped breathing and on the floor (It's not like it was breathing when it was still 'alive' but well...) and Brook was there, with his hands stretched forward. 

Bess sighed and stood up. She ran her fingers on her neck, discovering her skin is flawless without any wound despite the messy blood that's everywhere on her upper body. 

"Good job, Brook." Bess cross her arms, scanning the situation. 

"What now? We spoon feed him his lunch?" Bess watched Henryk laying on the floor unconscious, and Brook followed his sister's gaze. 

"No, Bess, we took him home and wait 'till he recover." Brook made his way towards the passed out kid and lift him up. 

"Oh, come on, we both know he's fine." 

Brook rolled his eyes. "He is, but he's not.... like us." 

Bess showed her palm to Brook. "Got it, come on." She makes her way first into the forest, and the way back home is quiet. 

Brook took a deep breath and broke the silence, with a question he's sure going to lead to an uncomfortable situation. 

"If you were alone with Henryk and I wasn't there, what would you do?" Brook asked. He couldn't see Bess' expression that he's walking behind her, but if he should guess, she'd be rolling her eyes. 

"I'd let him fight some more of course. You see that he still got that will in him, he hadn't even bleed. Not even a little."

Brook sighed. 

"But it got him, it was choking him, bleeding or not if he was choking him for a little longer he could have died." 

Bess scoffed. "Yeah, probably. But if I'm not mistaken I fractured both of my knuckles, lost so much blood because I had two open wounds on my head, and was still able to defeat Daddy on that day. Yeah, that day Brook, it happened in one day." 

"Don't compare, Bess. You know you and Henyrk isn't the same." 

Bess stopped and turned around to face Bess. 

"Why? What made us different?" Bess frowned. 

"You are a Redhound, Father and Mother taught you hard since day 1, and you were born a fighter!" 

"Oh yeah?" Bess raised her voice. "He was about to be a Redhound, Brook, he has to know, how to survive." Bess spoke slowly, making sure Brook hears every words coming out of her mouth. 

"You said Father and Mother taught me hard since day 1, then that's what we should be doing to this kid! Born a fighter or not, he survived an attack, he was a survivor!" 

Brook saw the determination in Bess' eyes. 

"Listen, Brook." Bess scooted closer, and her voice soften. 

"I know what you're thinking. My humanity is on the verge of extinction, and I might not be human enough to take care of Henryk, you're scared I'd break him." 

"No, Bess that's--" 

"You're right, Brook." 

Brook took a moment to digest her words. 

"When you were not with me, a couple months ago, I killed someone, human." 

Brook frowned, waiting for Bess to continue. 

"He was... drunk, and I was too. He tried to harass me, that day, and I went overboard." Bess closed her eyes with her palm. She may not feels bad, but she feels ashamed. 

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