chapter 1

17 1 4

(Third person pov) olives alarm goes off they finish unpacking taking all of their bathroom supplies into the guest bathroom which is now theirs. Olive walks back to their room to start school olive opens their laptop and starts working.  Nana Laura walks in with breakfast for olive.

(Nana Laura's pov) morning olive

Morning nana

I have your breakfast

Thank you

No problem so when do you want me to take you to school. 

I take school online

Ok will you be out for lunch

Probably but not by the time lunch is done. 

Well I'm making soup

Ok I'll try to be done by noon

Thank you sweet pea

No problem nana

Hey I'm planning on going to the pikes place market later would you like to come with me.

Sure i need some time out

What do you say after lunch

I wouldn't mind doing that I'm caught up on all my upcoming projects i just have a couple of assignments left to do. 

Alright don't work too hard okie

olives story (Book 1/3)Where stories live. Discover now