chapter 12

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(Olives pov) nana and i were about to leave to go over to johns. Nana I'm going to text john about the thing with trouble. 

Alright pumpkin

Hey john

Hey kid whats up

I wanted to know if it's okay if i bring trouble over to your apartment.

Yeah i don't mind why ya asking

Because nana wants me to take hin with me because i had an anxiety attack last night while we were on a walk.

Oh is he going to be your service dog

I don't know

Hey if ya want i could check his records

Thanks John

No prob kiddo

So what did he say olive

He said i can bring trouble and he's going to check troubles records.

(Nana Laura's pov) alright lets hit the road people. So olive have you talked with willow lately.

Yeah she was going to come over today but she's stuck with B. B. B. D

What is that

Baby brother babysitting duty but she said she would come over next weekend.

Sounds fun hey look we're here ready to go in and paint something fun.

Yes i might be a little rusty because i haven't painted in a few years.

It's okay the thought is what matters

(Johns pov) hey glad you two could make it hey trubs sorry i don't have any treats on me bud. Come on in welcome to my castle.

Wow your house is really nice

Thanks kid

(Olives pov) so do you have any idea's of what you wanna do.

Yes i do so I've got this picture of me and my dog who passed away last year.

Alright can i see the picture okay i can do that where do you want me to paint it and most important question do you have paint.


Okay what wall would you like me to paint on.

The large one by the kitchen

Okay let me take a look okay i might not be to paint all of it in one day but I'll try to paint the most i can.

Alright I'll grab the ladder and paint kid

Thanks john

No prob

Wait before you leave do you have painters tape. 

Yeah why

I want to map out the area I'm going to paint you and your dog.

Oh thanks kid do you need a tape measure to map it out.

Yeah that would be great thanks

No problem kiddo

After john left i set up the ladder where to start and how lets start bottom to top.

Hows it going kid

It's going did you bring the tape and tape measure.

Yes and yes

Thank you no go away you can't see this part.

Okay I'm leaving

(Johns pov) before i leave kid do you want to take a break to come look at troubles information.  

Sure i could use a bit of a break

Alright clean up and head out to the living room. I open the file i made on trouble well would you look at that bud you are in fact a certified service dog for anxiety and panic attacks.

So thats how he knew what to do for olive last night good boy trouble.

Hey so whats going on

Hey kiddo come sit down

(Nana Laura's pov) so we found out that trouble is a certified service dog for panic and anxiety disorder. Looks like you've got a service dog.

Nana he's going to need a vest for proof. 

Don't worry kiddo I've already got one just let me go find it. Here we are it might not be the most pretty but it's what i could find in his size.

(Olives pov) thats alright john it's the thought that counts and just so you know I've finished half of the painting i could finish the rest of it next week if you'd like.

Yeah that's fine kid why don't you test trouble.

Alright here we go

(Third person pov) olive pretends to have an anxiety attack trouble instantly reacts and runs over to olive. And everyone praises trouble the three people continue talking until nana laura notices olive looks like they aren't feeling the best

(Nana Laura's pov) thank you for having us over i wish we could have stayed longer but olive isn't feeling all to well.

Thank you john for looking up troubles information and buying him a vest.

No prob kiddo i hope you feel better

Thank you

Lets get you home and into bed okay.

(Third person pov) nana, olive ,and trouble head home the whole way up stairs trouble leans on olive to keep them up right. Nana laura and trouble walk olive to their room.  Olive changes into PJ's and falls asleep and trouble cuddles with them.

(Nana Laura's pov) good night olive

Night nana.

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