chapter 38

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(Willows pov) i woke up before our alarms went off so i made breakfast and finished olives laundry. I set out a cozy outfit for them i put their lunch in their bag and fed trouble. Now the only thing left to do is get ready and wait for them to wake up. I walk into our bathroom and get ready only to find olive up and ready. Well good morning sleepy head i made breakfast and packed your bag and took trouble to the bathroom.

Thank you babe

Your welcome now go get to work before your late.

(Olives pov) okay okay I'm going stop in an say hi to john after work.

Alright tell him i said hey

I will love you

Love you too have a good day at work beany.

You too come on trubs it's time to go i open the back door but trouble didn't move willows spoiled you hasn't she alright you can sit up front. I open the front door and he hops in good boy. We got there pretty early so u started working immediately. About an hour later jerry shows up good morning how are you doing jerry.

I'm good kid how about you

I'm good how was your weekend ?

Great i went on a boat ride with a couple of buddies i took my wife to dinner how about you.

My weekend was pretty great as well i got my first tattoo on friday. When my girlfriend went to get her guitar fixed i got a ukulele. Went to go have dinner with nana on Sunday we visited my cousins grave then relaxed the rest of the day.

Seems like you were pretty busy

A little bit

Can i see you tattoo

Yeah i have to clean my arm tonight but it'll look better on Wednesday.

Oh because you have tuesdays off right?

Yup,i roll up my sleeve an show him my ta da what do you think?

Its really nice where did you get it done and who did it?

I got it done at the tattoo shop my girlfriend works at it's called pears parlor and my girlfriend did it.

She did a damn good job

I'll tell her you like her work

Alright lets get to work but before we do i didn't know you played the ukulele.

Yeah I've been playing since i was five my grandfather tought me.

That's really cool kid oh before we get to work val isn't going to be here today.

Oh is it her day off?

No she has a doctor's appointment

Oh okay lets get to work then.

Thats a good idea do you have everything you need i heard you forgot your lunch last time.

I got everything this time because my girlfriend packed my bag for me.

Thats cute you talk so much about her but you've never told us her name.

Oh I'm sorry her name is willow

Alright we really need to get to work.

Okay lets do that I've been working since i got here but are you okay with double checking my work?

Yeah i don't mind go take a coffee break kid.

Thanks jerry

No problem

olives story (Book 1/3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon