chapter 30 3/3

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(Willows pov) we had rested for a day because everyone was exhausted from the trip to cali. But today was the day we go to universal and how am i awoken. Olive jumping on our bed screaming like a child for me to wake up.

Okay okay olive I'm awake i look around the room to see trouble in his vest from prom ready to go. Olive with their little backpack covered in anime and superhero pins. I quickly get dressed i throw on some ripped jeans and my sin crop top. I walk out to see olive in their not guilty shirt.

I knew you loved that shirt

Oh shut up lets just meet nana downstairs for breakfast.

Okay lets go do you have the room key



Right here in the good old bag of adventures.

What else do you have in there

A small sketch book, a few pencils, my inhaler, extra earbuds, some treats for trouble, money, phone charger, a charger for my Bluetooth headphones, and some snacks oh an my Polaroid camera.

How can you fit all of that in there it's gotta be magic.

Nope it's just a special bag i made a while ago it has compartments for everything i need. And because all of the compartments it makes finding things more easy.

Nice can you make me one it would life at conventions less difficult.

Sure I'll just need a color pattern and things you want it hold.

Okay lets talk about this tomorrow or later tonight back here.

Okay sounds good to me willow bee.

Come on ya goof let's go get breakfast good morning laura.

(Nana Laura's pov) good morning willow good morning olive aww that's cute you two have your couples shirts on. And i see that you have your bag wonders with you olive.

Yep i plan on making one for willow soon.

That's great pumkin we can talk more about this during breakfast and on the car to universal. As we eat breakfast olive and willow talk about cosplay and art.

Hey nana

Yes olive

Can we go swimming later on in the week or later tonight.

Sure do you two have your swim suits with you.

Yes i packed mine an olives so they wouldn't forget.

Thank you willow

Yes thank you willow, we finish up breakfast willow an olive go to the bathroom and i took trouble to go to the bathroom. We get into car, everyone double check to make sure we have everything needed for the day. Olive did bring doggy bags for trouble?

Yes i did and willow brought extras right?


Okay ,we're already to go a little bit into drive i remembered a song. Willow, olive there's a song heard a while ago and i thought you two might like it.

(Olives pov) willow and i look at each other ,okay nana play it.  She puts on black parade by my chemical romance. As soon as the G-note hit willow and i scream out of pretend fear then we scream the lyrics. When the songs ened nana looked like she had seen a ghost. Nana are you okay we didn't scare you did we?

No not at all I'm just suprised you two know this song.

Well it's a pretty old song so a lot older emos know it.

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