chapter 33

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*four year timeskip

(Third person pov) willow and olive have now become adults and rent an apartment together willow works at a tattoo parlor and olive has become a professional artist. Olive has helped with visual effects for a few movies and designed the posters for the movies.

The two make a reasonable amount of money and want to move to florida and plan on moving in a few months. But for now they live happily together with lucy and trouble.

But lets see where these two young lovers go and what the future has in store. The journeys they will go on and the stories they will tell.

(Willows pov) i am so glad to be going home my co-worker ann decided to give me an annoying customer. The whole time i was doing this girls tattoo she would not shut up about her boyfriend.

I know why ann decided to give me that customer. I know your moving next weekend and you don't want to be stressed out because of some yappy customer but come on ann.

Finally home i open the door and trouble jumps up showering me with kisses hey buddy. Olive I'm home olive? They come running down the hallway and jump into my arms. Hey did you miss me i can't really tell.

I really really missed you.

Aww i missed you too beany I'm going to put you down now your a little to heavy to carry.

Okay so how was work. 

It was good until the last customer. 

Let me guess it was supposed to be Ann's customer.


Hey you know ann like yo do that someone is about to leave she puts her customer on them.


Did you know her an lola are moving to Oregon.

Really? That's great for them and i know you wanna move to florida but we have to find a house first. Hey olive when are we doing dinner with laura.

This weekend Saturday night

Okay, I'm sorry i didn't ask but how was your day babe.

It's okay but my day was good they want me to go on set so we can bring the suits to life.

That's great where is it and can i get a sneak peak.

The set for this movie is in Tacoma and no i know you love marvel but i can't give anything away. Because i know you'll get excited anf blab on twitter.

No i won't I'll be good i promise.

(Olives pov) sorry babe i am not risking it. Now what do you want for dinner or should we go out and celebrate?

I don't know its your call baby i mean we could go to chiles and get free appetizers because daisy works there.

I though daisy workes at the shell shack.

She did but it closed lasy year those were just part time jobs because she's still going to school so she can become a veterinarian.

Well that's great for daisy but i don't really feel like chiles tonight.

Maybe olive garden or pizza

You what pizza sounds pretty good.

(Willows pov) okay pizza it is what kind of pizza do you want babe.

A plain cheese is fine if you want to put anything on it that's fine me.

I'm fine with a plain cheese babe

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