chapter 8

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(Olives pov) nana and i decided to have a chill day.  I wanted to work on some art but i needed inspiration so i went on a walk informing nana. Nana told me to be careful as usual and as always i tell her i will. As I'm walking looking around taking pictures of what i might try to draw a girl riding a bike runs into me. HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING maybe you shouldn't be texting while riding a bike.  

Well maybe you should look where your going instead of your face in a phone taking pictures of grass and tree's.

Well I'm sorry that I'm an artist and doing this stuff that pays my phone bill. I'm sorry for getting mad at you I'm not in the greatest mood today.

Nah it's alright I'm not in the greatest mood either. Sorry i never introduced myself I'm willow Thomson.

I didn't introduce myself either my name is olive enprones.

(Willows pov) hold on a minute are you stressed-underpaid art child. Yes are you willow bee they scream omg yes are you my internet best friend we scream at the same time. We run into each others arms giving each other the longest hug in the world. I can't believe I'm actually seeing you in person you are far more pretty in person than online olive said to me. Ha same with you cutie i saw a faint blush crawl up olives cheeks.

(Olives pov) so what where you doing in this area of seattle i thought you lived farther away like lacy. 

Nah i live just down the street

Your knee is all scraped up i know where you can get that fixed up. 

It's fine I'll be alright

Willow you are just as bad a lyer in person as you are online. 

Alright you got me lets go but first i wanna see if something is true.

What? Willow moves her hands towards my face and squishes my cheeks. A bright red blush crawls up her cheeks making her hide her face with herhands what was that all about. 

I just wanted to see how squishy your cheeks are. 

Come on lets get to my nana's ya goof we get to nana's apartment i set willows bike against the building ready to go in and meet nana just so you know there is nothing to worry about nana wouldn't hurt a fly she might bombard you with questions but don't worry.

(Willows pov) olive i think you need to chill because I'm not worried you might be but I'm not. Olive and i finish talking about who is more worried and they knock on the door.

(Nana Laura's pov) i hear a knock at the door to see olive with a girl a bit taller than them with a scratched up knee oh come inside you two let me fix that knee for you pumpkin. I help olive with The girl and we sit her down on the couch I'll be right back just let me grab my first aid kit. Olive please help me we walk into my bedroom olive who is that. 

Rember my oline friend willow well that's willow we ran into each other literally.

(Third person pov) olive and nana talk about willow and how olive should have told her that they would be bringing willow over. Olive apologizes for not telling nana laura and the two go to fix up willows knee. 

(Nana Laura's pov) sorry we took so long looking for the first aid kit willow dear.

It's alright mrs enprones

Please call laura

Laura thats a beatiful name

Oh thank you i like her olive okay I'm going to need to clean the scrape before i put anything on it.

(Olives pov) i sit next to willow it's probably going to sting do you wanna hold my hand so it hurts less. Willow nods okay ready nana , nana applies the towel to willows knee and she hisses in pain. I got you i say trying to comfort her thank you willow says with a kind tone your welcome. Nana fixed willows knee up thank you for helping me but it's getting late so i should head home willow said.

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