chapter 17

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(Nana Laura's pov) come on wake up sleepy heads it's the Saturday. You two slept all day yesterday do you want to go prom dress shopping or not time to wake up.

(Olives pov) we're awake nana we're awake but good morning.

Laura could i make omelettes for everyone this morning.

Of course willow why don't you two get dressed and cleaned up. Willow then you can make breakfast alright.

Sounds good to me what about you olive.

Yeah sounds pretty to me. After nana explained the plan for the day i took a quick shower and got dressed. Willow was in the shower and i was in the kitchen with nana.

Hey nana

What is it olive

Would i be able to wear a dress to willows prom. 

Of course why wouldn't you be able to you should wear what you want to wear poco farfalla.

(Nana Laura's pov) olive have you ever worn a dress. 


Would you like to

Yes i really wanna wear a dress

Okay then we're getting you what ever dress you want. 

Thank you nana

You are so very welcome pumpkin. Who want omelettes willow yells not to far away we want omelettes both olive and i shout at the same time.

(Willows pov) alright I'm on it time to feed the hungry peepers. As i make breakfast i look over at olive. Hey olive


You look really cute today

Not as cute as you

I'm not cute I'm tough and mean

No your cute

I stuck my tongue out at them

Don't sass me your cute

Fine if you say so

Haha i win

If i knew it was a competition i would have won your just lucky i i let you.

You didn't let me win i won fair an square.

Sure you did

(Nana Laura's pov) come on party people lets hit the road to buy some pretty dresses for some pretty people. 

Wait olive needs to get trouble ready

You right they do sorry pumpkin

It's okay nana i doesn't take me very long to put on his vest on.  Just let me go get him.

(Olives pov) trouble it's time to go buddy so that me you have to get ready. Trouble grabs his leash and vest good boy. Before i left my room i said goodbye to lucy giving her a little kiss on her head. Okay we are ready to go hey willow if you want you can sit up front with nana.

No it's okay I'll sit in the back with you and trouble.

Okay lets go hey nana after we find our dresses can we do a little bit of shopping.

You know what why don't i spoil you two today.

Olive we can get matching couple's shirts.

That would be really cute willow

(Nana Laura's pov) on the way to the mall would you two like to get something to drink.

Yeah thank you laura

olives story (Book 1/3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora