chapter 4

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(Third person pov) olive,nana Laura,and lucy the snake all head back to nana's house to relax for the night. (Nana Laura's pov) so olive did you have fun today i look over to the passanger seat to see olive fast asleep with lucy curled up on their chest. Poor thing they must have been exhausted maybe i should drive around a bit longer so they Can get some more sleep because they seem like they don't get enough. (Third person pov) nana laura reaches the apartment complex and olive is still asleep but she doesn't want to wake them yet. So she drives by her friends apartment for some help. (Nana Laura's pov) hey maria can you give me a hand.

Of course laura what can i help you with.

Well my grandchild fell asleep in my car and i don't want to wake them.

So do you want me to help you carry them to their room I'll help.

Thank you

No problem laura you can always ask me for help no matter what the problem is.

(Third person pov) nana laura and maria carry olive to their room while maria gets olive tucked in nana laura sets up Lucy's enclosure.

(Olives pov) i woke up feeling more refreshed than usual i realized that i had fallen asleep in nana's car and with lucy on my chest. I began panicking because i couldn't find lucy but i look next to my desk and saw her looking right at me good morning little one I'm guessing your hungry I'll be right back Just wait little one. Morning nana

Oh olive good morning

Did we get food for lucy

Yes john provided us with a months supplie of mice.

Okay well i have to feed her then I'll come out for breakfast. Here we are breakfast is served lucy i watch her to make sure she doesn't choke on the mice. Before i was about to leave my room lucy looks at me following as i walked you wanna come out with me don't you alright. I pick her up and take her out of the room with me. Hi nana

Hey olive what is lucy doing on your head

She wanted to come out with me

Oh olive i need to introduce you to a friend of mine. Olive this is maria her and i have been friends since elementary school.

Hello olive nice to meet you

Nice to meet you as well so you have a really good relationship with nana if you two have been friends that long.

She's been my best friend since the first day of school

Wow thats a great friendship

(Maria's pov) we've been through it all the good the bad but we've been there for each no matter what. And i hope we'll be there for each other through the rest of it. Your nana is like a sister too me sorry for blabbing you probably Don't care about boring stuff like that do you want breakfast.

Its okay i actually really like talking to people and yes please.

(Nana Laura's pov) good because maria can talk for hours.

(Third person pov) nana Laura,maria,and olive talk all day about nana laura and Maria's history and all of their childhood memories until maria has to go home to take care of her own grandchildren and pets. After maria leaves nana laura and olive watch a movie after the movie ends nana,olive,and lucy go to bed.

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