chapter 14

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(Nana Laura's pov) it's been a week since olive has been sick but today they have finally gotten better.  Olive what do you want to do today.

I just kinda want to take it easy for the day.

Okay do you want to watch a movie go on a walk go to the store.

Can we watch a movie and take take lucy and trouble to the park.

Of course sounds like a fun day. What movie should we watch olive. 

How about lady and the tramp

Alright i never knew you liked Disney movies.

Yeah Thomas and i woulf sneak into the living room almost ever morning and watch Disney movies until we got caught and we got in so much trouble.

So you were a little trouble maker

A little bit come on let's watch the movie.

(Third person pov) nana laura puts on the movie and olive sings along with every song. Soon after the movie ended olive and nana got ready to leave. 

(Olives pov) hey nana could i bring a sketch book to the park. 

Sure do you want me to bring a picnic blanket for you to sit on.

Yeah that would be really nice what about you.

I'll bring a chair pumpkin

Are you sure

Absolutely olive i can sit in a lawn chair olive there is nothing you need to worry about i bought a nice chair.

Okay let me get the animals ready then lets git the road. Come on trouble lets put your vest on then we need to grab your sister. Alright we're ready to go wait i almost forgot something here we go look at how cute lucy is.

Did you make her a tiny flower crown yes i did.

Olive thats cute

Do you want me to make one for you just tell me colors and it should be done by next week.

How about blue and purple

Okay good thing i have plenty of blue and purple flowers i think to many blue and purple flowers.

Thank you olive

No problem nana

Come on lets hit the road kiddo

(Third person pov) nana laura loads up the car. Olive has trouble sit in the backseat on lucy stayed curled around olives necks. Nana laura and olive get in the car and sing along to the songs on the radio. The two get to the park and look for a spot to sit. Olive finds one under a tree and near a pond. They set up the blanket and art supplies.

(Olives pov) isn't this the perfect spot nana. 

It is olive I'll be right back i forgot something in the car. 

Do you want me to come with you

No olive you can stay i won't take long.

Okay after nana left i started sketching after a while of sketching i saw a little kid run by and he seemed to be all alone Hey are you lost.

No I'm just looking for my older brother who ran off after "hot" girls like he usually does.

Come sit down you look pretty worn out

Thank you

Whats your name buddy

My name is liam mcalister

Like the clothing brand

Yeah my dad is actually the entrepreneur.

Wow thats a large word for someone your age how old are you any ways liam.

I'm eight

You seem very mature for your age

Yeah i kinda have to be because of my family. Can i pet your dog and snake.

Umm you can pet lucy but not trouble because he's working.

What does that mean?

Trouble he is a service dog and service dogs help people who have certain things wrong with them. I have whats called anxiety so if i get worried,nervous,or scared I'll start to hyperventilate and my heart rate will increase and i could possibly stop breathing. And that's what trouble helpd with.

He sounds like a good dog

He is

What about lucy does she do anything

No she's just my little cuddle buddy. 

Thats cool i should probably go look for my brother.

Stay here it's better to stay put then run off and get more lost than you already are.

Olive I'm back oh who is this.

My name is liam mcalister and before you ask yes i am the son of james mcalister and no i don't want to take on the family business i want to be an actor.

(Nana Laura's pov) that's perfectly fine liam olive doesn't want to do what their family does they want to be an artist.

Really thats awesome wait why were you calling olive they and them.

Because I'm not a boy or a girl so the pronouns i go by are they them so because I'm not a boy or girl I'm what's called non-binary.

Oh okay hey i think thats my brother

Look here he comes liam

Nana he doesn't look very happy

Where the hell did you run off to do you know how pissed dad is going to be.

(Olives pov) hey he told us that your the the one who ran off so there is no need to yell at him for no reason.

Really is that what he said he has a bad habit of lying.

I wasn't lying Jackson

Shut up

Hey leave him alone

Why should i are you his brother no last time i checked i was so stay out of this come on we're going home. 

Poor kid i wish there was something i could've done to help.

I know pumpkin but everything isn't always in your control.

I know but i feel bad for him because he kinda reminds me of my younger self. He's expected to live up to an image he doesn't want to.

(Third person pov) nana and olive pack up and head home to watch another movie or relax for the rest of the day.

olives story (Book 1/3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें