chapter 11

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(Olives pov) i had woken up with the feeling of something lying next to me then i realised it was trouble. I pet him about to get up the look he gives me says please stay it's cozy. Okay I'll stay you big old baby you know i really missed you trouble I'm certain Thomas misses you too but he's in a better place now. Might as well do some school work don't worry trouble I'm not leaving buddy. I really need a new laptop this one is starting to become slower and lagey. Come on why isn't this loading i need to do some school work. Great i need to buy a new god damn laptop. I thought this one would have lasted longer and some how I'm losing money. The only this i have spent money on is cosplay and art materials. Come on computer could you load a little bit faster. ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW okay now i really need a new computer great had to crap out now.

(Nana Laura's pov) olive is everything okay i heard yelling are you and willow arguing.

No my laptop finally decided to die when i need to work on a big project.

I thought you had a charger for it

I do its just that i have had this laptop for the longest time so it had to stop working sometime soon.

Would you like to use mine i don't mind i you really need to use it.

No it's okay i don't think yours would work with the school program I'll just buy a new one.

When do you want to go buy a new one we can do it later today if you want.

I mean if you don't mind

Olive i don't mind doing certain things for you i mean if you need things for school and it's important i will take you to go get it.

Thanks nana

No problem pumpkin what would you like to do for breakfast olive.

I'm not sure hiw about waffles with fruit.

That actually sounds really good alright lets get to the kitchen.

Nana trouble won't get up

Come on trouble it's breakfast time

Thanks nana

No problem sweet little pumpkin

(Third person pov) nana laura, olive, and trouble walk into the kitchen nana took out the waffle iron and batter. Olive gets trouble a bowl of kibble and two little mice for lucy. After olive feeds the animals they go to help nana with breakfast. When breakfast was done the two sat down to eat and chat as usual.

(Olives pov) nana i have a a question for you

Of course what is it

Why do you call me pumpkin

Well when you were little i took you and Thomas trick or treating you wouldn't pick any other costumes but a little pumpkin. And the three of us carved pumpkins the one Thomas picked was big enough for you to sit in it thats how small you were. So thats why I've always called you pumpkin. Is it still okay if i call you pumpkin.

Of course nana you can call me anything except for my old pronouns.

I would never do that do you think i would do that poco farfalla.

Nana did you really just call me little butterfly.

Yes i did why?

You haven't called me poco farfalla in years.

Because to me you'll always be a beautiful little butterfly that i need to protect.

Nana you know that you don't have to protect me all the time right

I know but i like to know that your safe

And i will nana I'll have you willow and trouble to protect me.

(Nana Laura's pov) hey I'll clean up you go get dressed and we'll go buy that laptop sound good.

Yep after we get home could i take trouble for a walk.

Sure olive would you like me to come with.

No it's alright your going to be tired so you can relax and have some time to yourself and plus I'll have trouble with me.

Alright are you ready to go olive

Almost i just need to grab my money and put shoes on.

Leave your money olive let me buy this laptop for you.

Nana are you sure

Yes let me buy it

Okay why do you spoil me

I'm a grandma it's my job

(Third person pov) nana laura and olive get into the car and drive off. Nana laura buy a newer laptop for olive and the two leave and head home.

(Olives pov) thank you so much nana

No problem pumpkin

I'm going to take trouble out on a walk

Alright be careful

I will

Trouble watch them while you to are on the walk.

He looked at nana and barked in approval silly boy lets go. As I'm on the walk with trouble i start feeling anxious than before i could blink trouble was lying on my chest trying to calm me down. Good boy trouble good boy as soon as i started to calming down we walk home.

Olive are you okay what took you so long are you hurt what happened.

Nana it's alright I'm not hurt i just had an anxiety attack and trouble helped me.

(Nana Laura's pov) should we have him made a service dog for you.

I don't know but i just wanna get some sleep so I'm well rested to paint johns apartment.

Alright poco farfalla sleep tight

Okay bouna notte nana

Bouna notte olive

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