chapter 10

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(Nana Laura's pov) olive are you ready to go. 

Yes just give a second i need to grab something real quick.

You better hurry up or we won't find a good parking spot.

Okay I've got it now lets go have some fun

Okay lets hit the road what took you so long olive

Sorry i had to add a few details to a commission and i had to find my little sketch book for goofy little doodles that i do from time to time. 

Olive i have a question for you

Of course nana what is it

What is a commission

Well what  commission is its either a character or a piece of art some one wants to draw or have drawn. Most reasons why people ask for their commissions to be drawn is because the person can't draw it for themself or they don't have the supplies to draw it. 

Oh okay that wasn't as complicated as i thought you would have made it. 

(Olive pov) hey nana when we get to johns can i look at dogs.

Sure why are you so interested in dogs lately.

Well remember Thomas right

Of course i rember him how could i forget him.

Well when i was six he bought a German shepherd puppy never gave him a name but i called him trouble. He was going to train trouble to protect me. But jason found out about trouble and had Thomas beat him near to death.  Thomas and Jason took trouble outside to shoot him. I heard the shotgun go off and only jason walked back in and I've been hoping that trouble is still alive. 

Well maybe he is and he's waiting for you to bring him home. 

So you'll let me keep him if i find him nana

Absolutely i will because you deserve to be taken care of and kept safe.

Thank you so much nana you have no idea how much this means to me. 

Your welcome pumpkin we are here and would you look at that best parking spot see what arriving early gets you.

(Third person pov) nana laura , and olive grab everything on the list laura had created the previous day.  The two then head over to johns pet mart to pick up food for lucy the snake and reunite olive with their long lost friend.

(Olives pov) hey john long time no see how have you been sir.

Hey kid it's good to see ya again I've been pretty good so any reason in particular that you two stopped by today.

We need some more food for lucy

Oh okay i just restocked on frozen mice not to long ago.

I have a question for you john

Alright ask away kiddo

Do you have dogs here

Yeah we do lets go take a look at em. So what kind of dog are you lookin for kid big, small , young , old , ugly ,cute.

I'm looking for a senior German shepherd.

Well we have this one guy he's been here for the longest time So why a senior dog.

Because when i was little my cousin bought a German shepherd and i called him trouble our uncle had him beat the dog close to death and shoot him but i don't think he was shot.

Huh strange when this dog was brought in he was in really bad shape. Maybe it's him i bet he's going to be really happy to see you.

I really hope so

(Third person pov) john takes olive to the back of the kennels where trouble is happily waiting for them.

(Johns pov) here he is do you want me to leave you two alone or something.

No it's okay john you can stay this is your shop.

Wait have you seen him yet

No not yet

(Olives pov) i walk past john to look at the dog. The moment i met eyes with him i knew it was trouble. Trying not to cry and figure out what to say i walk closer to the kennle. Hey pup did you miss me trouble instantly remembered my voice. He began to wag his tail as fast as his body would let him whimpering out if pure joy to see me.

Want me to let him out

Yes please troubles eyes looked like he couldn't wait another second. When john unlocked his kennle he ran out and showered me with kisses i missed you too bud. Wanna know something trouble your coming home today and this will be your forever home with me.

Let me get him a new leash and collar along with a name tag with your information on it real quick. Don't worry kid I'll bring him out front to you and your grandmother asap.

Thank you so much john if there is anything i can do for you just let me know. 

Thanks kid

Hey nana

Oh did you not find him olive I'm sorry pumpkin.

No we found him john is just getting him a new leash, collar, and a name tag with my information on it.

Here he is kiddo i got those mice for ya olive don't tell him but in the bag with the frozen mice i put a bag of T.R.E.A.T.S.

Once again thank you john are you certain you wouldn't like me to pay for any of this.

(Johns pov) laura listen sometimes when i have customers like olive who haven't had the greatest life i like to make sure when they come here they get treated in the best way possible for you it's free snake and dog food along with sometimes treats.

(Nana Laura's pov) well john i have no idea how i can ever thank you enough.

Well i just moved and my walls are still pretty bare maybe olive can paint somethings for me if they don't mind.

I don't mind at all in fact it's been a while since I've painted what did you have in mind.

Why don't you two come over one day and we can discuss it over lunch.

That sounds like a wonderful john how does next Saturday sound olive and my schedule is clear. 

That day sounds great just let me help with one last thing getting this giant bag of dog food to your car.

Once again from olive and i thank you

No problem ma'am

(Third person pov) john helps nana laura, and olive get troubles food to Laura's car. After he gets the dog food in the back of the vehicle he wishes the two a safe trip back home.

(Nana Laura's pov) so olive i was taking to maria ealier today so i invited her over for dinner is that alright with you.

(Olives pov) of course maria is your friend so there is really no need to ask me just tell me she's coming over and I'll clean up a bit. 

(Third person pov) nana laura ,olive , and maria all meet at Laura's apartment. Maria meets trouble and the the four go inside to eat dinner. Olive gets trouble some food before eating their dinner. The two older women and young teen talk about the day the three had. After dinner maria heads home and nana laura , olive , lucy ,and trouble wind down for the night.

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