Chapter 1

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I hated being rushed it was one of my biggest pet peeves. I've kinda learned to accept it though as being one of those things that's inescapable. At least inescapable when you're a well known celebrity. Just because it's something I have to deal with constantly doesn't mean that I'm okay with it though.
'Ma'am we have to go'. See this is what I'm talking about constantly being rushed. Deciding not to give my security detail anymore trouble I quickly grabbed my purse and phone and made my way through the lobby of my penthouse. Several large men escorted me to a black, tinted Cadillac to begin my journey to my scheduled meeting with my manager. A fairly loud grumble erupted through the nearly silent car besides the soft mumbles of the radio. I was so busy being rushed that I had no time to stop and grab anything to eat before heading out the door. While debating where I could stop on my way to Brandon's office without steering from our route I glanced across a little cafe just up ahead.

'Rob pull into here' I spoke to my loyal bodyguard since the very beginning of this whole mess'.

'Yes Ms.Kordei'.

'-But Rob the meeting' one of my fairly new bodyguards Chris whispered yelled to Rob.

'Ms.Kordei has not eaten anything yet would you rather have her pass out in a meeting or simply be a little late to a meeting' Rob replied effectively silencing Chris's rebuttal. Rob knew I had a meeting to get to but also knew that feeding myself was slightly more important than being late to a meeting.

I stepped out of the car with the assistance of another body guard that I had yet to learn the name of. The cafe was cozy, small, and intimate. The smell of pumpkin and vanilla immediately graced my nostrils as I began to walk to the counter to place an order.

'Good afternoon ma'am how may I- HOLY SHIT YOU'RE NORMANI KORDEI' the barista yelled after glancing up from the register.

'Hello I'm assuming you're a fan?' I inquired chuckling at her very familiar reaction.

'Hell yeah I am I bought both your albums and all your merch' the tiny brunette spoke. 'Oh shit sorry I'll stop cursing'.

Chuckling softly at the brunette I waved her off. 'So what can I get for you' she finally got it together and began taking my order.

'I would like one egg and cheese croissant and two coffees dark roast' I completed my order knowing how the coffee at Brandon's office sucks.

'Your total is 8.97 ma'am'. 'Please call me Normani' I said handing the bill to her. She swiftly went to the back after handing me my change to either prepare my order or relay it to someone else. I assumed it was the former since she hadn't came back until she had my food and drink in hand.

'Here you go two coffees and a breakfast croissant' the barista said returning with my order. 'Hey is there any way I can get a picture with you I know that they're probably like super expensive and I could pay but not a lot you know student loa-'.

'Of course get over here' I said waving her from behind the counter with a genuine smile. After she quickly snapped two pictures of us I gave her a hug and began to make my way to where my bodyguards were standing my the door. I've never been one to deny a fan a picture or treat them inhumane but because of the front I put up and the way I carry myself people often assume that I'm stuck up and nasty which couldn't be farther from the truth.

'Miss we're gonna have to go through the back Semaj will pull the car around' Rob spoke looking at the gathering crowd outside the door which apparently got word of my arrival in the small cafe as they waited for me to exit the establishment to bombard me.

'Ma'am were gonna need an alternate route out this establishment" Rob spoke to the barista. 'Uh yeah right this way you can go through the kitchen' she said leading us behind the counter and into the fairly large kitchen in the back. She led us to the back door before ushering us out.

'Hey get away from that car' Rob spoke in an authoritative tone to a lady with a mane of blonde curly hair facing away from us.

'I-I'm sorry I was j-just leaving' she replied turning around startled with her hands up in surrender . As she turned around I'm sure I caught sight of one I could never forget. She was STUNNING. She carried a backpack over her right shoulder and a baseball cap in the other which I assumed had just been on her head based on the state of her hair. She was wearing a tan hoodie with some college on it, jeans with rips in them, and a pair of very dirty converse. She had all the looks of an average maybe hipster college student. Her clothes didn't take away from the fact the she was beautiful in every way though her blonde hair appeared to be intentionally messy which I knew wasn't true because of the baseball cap in her hand but it still suited her. Her brown nearly hazel eyes shone in the early morning sun. Her slightly puckered lips which she darted her tongue out to moisten. Her figure though hidden by her baggy clothes appeared to be just as spectacular as the rest of her. She seemed somewhat young by her demeanor but not by her physical appearance.

'The hell are you doing back here' Chris spoke walking up to her as Rob blocked me from her view.

'I-I'm sorry I was looking for something I lost' she stuttered out. I eventually made my appearance somewhat known by sidestepping from behind Rob to get a better look at this ethereal stranger. We locked eyes both seemingly stuck in a trance as we stared at one another with her breaking eye contact first looking down slightly.

'Get out of here kid' Chris spoke pushing her towards the streets. She stumbled down to her knees her bag falling down beside her.

'Don't fucking push her like that!' I yelled at Chris going over to help the mysterious stranger up despite my heels before Rob or Chris could prevent me.

'Hey are you okay?' I said handing helping her up and handing her the dirty torn backpack.

'Your hands' I said grabbing one of them softly as blood seeped from them where she held herself up on the gravel.

'I'm f-fine' she replied dusting herself off and yanking her hand away.

'Are you sure' I said locking eyes with her again as we both stood up fully.

'You should maybe get home and clean them' I spoke still staring at her creepily trying to determine what made this woman so damn beautiful. She let out a sigh

'yeah I um I gotta go' she said before leaving the alley onto the very busy streets not even mentioning her name. I sat there in the same place she left me staring off into the direction in which she had left me. I glanced down seeing that she had forgot her baseball cap before grabbing it and turning around.

'Let's go Ms.Kordei' Chris spoke gently leading me with a hand on my back to the car where Semaj my driver was waiting. 'You don't fucking touch me' I said moving away from him and into the back seat. His actions were so out of line. If this woman was trying to harm me I could understand it but she just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She wasn't a crazed fan or anything she seemed confused as to what was happening in the first place. She didn't ask for an autograph or a picture. She didn't even attempt to ask for a hug. Then it hit me. She didn't know who I was.

Why do you think Dinah was in the back alley and doesn't know who Normani is???

/Helooo I don't know if this should be a prologue or not since the future chapters will be longer than this but whatever. Also ignore the book cover cause I ain't got one. I've been wanting to write this for a while and I have an idea how I want this story to play out so I'll try to update frequently./



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