Chapter 2

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    'Normani... Normani are you listening?!' Brandon repeated to me as he went over my agenda for the next month.

'What oh yeah I heard you' I replied unceremoniously.

'Really then what did I just say' He questioned with a raised brow. When I began to stutter and let out a few ums he gripped the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh.

       'What's going on, why are you so disconnected I know you don't enjoy these meetings that much but you still are usually more engaged'.

'I'm fine just a little tired I was up writing last night' I half lied I was up writing last night but I was finished by 11. Instead my thoughts were being attacked by that of the mysterious blonde.

'Mani you have gotta sleep so go home, rest' he said letting out a sigh. 'Yes sir' I replied fake saluting.

          'I'll email you all the key points we were meant to discuss and go over the rest of them in the studio next week'. I began to make my way out the very large office before another thought crossed my mind.

'Oh yeah Brandon I don't want Chris on my security detail anymore' I said turning around to face him.

'You got it' he replied never even asking why since he knew it had to a good reason behind it considering I rarely fired staff.

           Making my way downstairs to where my bodyguards and car were waiting I stopped by the front desk to check on the receptionist. 'Good morning Mrs. Sheryl' I gave the lady behind the desk my broadest grin. Sheryl was a 75 year old woman that still acted 35 she was very sweet and said that she loved her job so much that she'll work till the day she dies. She had done reception for every company that once owned this building. When I asked her why she simply said that she enjoyed meeting all the new people everyday that wandered into the building. 'Miss Normani hi how are you dear' she replied giving me a sincere smile back. 'I told you to call me Normani Ma'am and I'm fine just heading home'. 'Have you eaten yet' I asked the older lady.

'Not quite yet my lunch should be approaching very soon' she said glancing at the large clock in the lobby.

'Do you want me to order you something' I asked knowing how sometimes she doesn't bring food from home.

'Oh no dear I'm fine Harold packed me a big lunch today' she replied holding up the large lunch pail for proof. Harold was her husband of 48 years they had the cutest love story and still do have the best relationship I've seen to date.

'What happened to your hand' I said noticing the bandage on her right palm.

'Oh I cut myself chopping up carrots for soup Harold had a little cold yesterday' she replied waving off any of my further concerns.         

       Just then my thoughts were plagued with that of the blonde again. I wondered if her hands were okay they were scraped up pretty bad by the gravel. 'What's on your mind sugar'  she asked as I went silent.

'I met this girl earlier this week and it's like there's a permanent etching of her in my mind now' I replied knowing that I could count on Sheryl to help me with this.

'Well what was it about this girl that stood out to you so much in the first place'?

'She was beautiful somewhat shy but still stunning to all degrees' I said recounting my memory of the blonde.

'Well it sound like you have a good old case of the glance and go'.

'A glance a go what's that'? I inquired.

'A glance and go dear is when you see someone for a short period of time but they have this sourt of mysterious gravitational pull that attracts you to them which keeps them on your mind for a while but in the end they still go leaving you with a mind plagued of that person Until either you see that person again or you simply forget about them' she explained.

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