Chapter 13

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She was so fucking beautiful. I watched her intently as her eyes glided across my body from a distance eventually making her way up to my eyes resulting in an intense staring contest. People stared at me all day literally all day but something about the way she looked at me it didn't make me uncomfortable or weary but instead made me feel warm and nervous and there was one thing that Normani Kordei didn't get and that was nervous. The guy she brought with her broke our stare as he snapped his fingers in front of her face.

I immediately frowned as I looked him up and down seemingly assessing my competitor. I didn't know this guy but he obviously was close with Dinah so therefore I didn't like him. Dinah never brought up a boyfriend before but then again she never really brought up anyone. Whoever this dude was I didn't want him around my Dinah Jane.

Dinah and her unknown partner finally made it to where I was standing on the front porch after what seemed like an eternity.

'Dinah Jane I missed you' I pulled her into a strong hug.

She chuckled before returning my embrace. 'Hi Mani I don't know how you can miss me we've been on the phone almost everyday for the last month' she mumbled into my neck with a smile.

'It's not enough I've been wanting to see you' I replied making no move to let her go even going as far as to pull her in tighter.

'If you've been wanting to see me why did your best friend invite me and not you?'

I laughed and finally pulled away from her. 'How do you know I wasn't nervous and didn't put her up to?'

'Normani I'm not even sure you get nervous' she chuckled.

Before I could respond a throat was cleared in what almost seemed like the background. I looked over Dinah's shoulder to see the guy she brought with her looking at us expectantly mainly Dinah.

'Oh shoot! Normani this is my friend Algee I hope you don't mind that I brought him' Dinah finally introduced him.

I extended my hand to him 'Hi Algee I'm Normani.' Even though I was fairly certain that he probably knew who I was I still introduced myself politely. He seemed pretty young once I heard his voice and took in his overall appearance.

'I know who you are I'm a huge fan' he replied back equally as polite with a huge smile. Just because he was a fan of mine didn't mean that he wasn't an issue. I still didn't want him trying anything on Dinah.

'Come on it would be weird if we stood out here the whole night instead of actually going to swim' I grabbed Dinah's hand and pulled her into the house.

'Mani why is your friend having a pool party at nine o'clock?' Dinah asked from behind me.

'Im not sure actually I guess he wanted to still have a normal party at night but still let people swim' I replied as I led her to the large room that held the bulk of the people that weren't swimming.

'You want a drink?' I asked over the loud music.

'Yeah sure' she answered with a smile. I turned around to ask her friend the previous question but he had seemingly disappeared.

'Where's your friend?'

'Oh he's a total social butterfly he's probably met everyone in here two times over by now' she answered taking the drink from me. She brought the drink up to her lips and took a big sip before immediately coughing back up into the cup.

'Shit Dinah you okay?' I asked concerned as I held her arms above her head and rubbed her back softly.

'Jesus what was in there' she asked after her coughing fit was over.

I Got You. |A Norminah fic|Where stories live. Discover now