Chapter 26

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'Yeah everything's going smoothly so far we got a positive DNA test on two of the guys from some of your clothes and the scene, one by one they're slowly starting to turn on each other, and there's stories aren't matching up anymore. This case is quickly coming to a close.' Officer Bullock explained to me while Normani carefully combed through my hair.

I nodded although I wasn't listening one hundred percent. I really just wanted them to be behind bars so they couldn't hurt anyone ever again. All this extra nonsense was just words to me. They knew who was responsible and they had them in custody so why didn't they just throw them in jail? But I knew better than anyone that that's not how these things work. I knew that Officer Bullock and Smith were doing the best that they could considering the circumstances and for that I was grateful.

'So they'll be behind bars soon?' Normani spoke up from where she was seated behind me.

Smith nodded 'If everything goes right when we present the case then yes, they absolutely will be. They're have some pretty shitty lawyers and I highly doubt that they'll be able to build an even somewhat decent rebuttal against all the evidence stacked against them. We have a living victim that will be able to testify against them. With all the other girls the cases were weak because their actions were coordinated and mapped out but it seemed that with Dinah they were sloppy, likely due to the alcohol in their systems and you two thankfully showing up.' He gestured to where Rob stood by the door and the brunette behind me. 'It frazzled them leading to mistakes.'

'How much longer do you think it's gonna take?' I asked somewhat in a daze from how good it felt to have the singer comb out my hair.

'At the most I estimate two months.' Bullock answered.

I nodded, the sooner this was over with the better.

Shortly after the little update from the two officers Rob and them left. I really appreciated Rob trying to assist me with the case. Hell he probably went to the police station more than I ever would. I understood why Normani had employed him for so long. He really was a great man.

'You okay?' Normani asked since I had been relatively quiet.

I nodded 'yeah I just want this to all be over with.'

Normani spoke softly while she continued to thread her fingers through my hair 'I know baby but it will be and those sick bastards will be behind bars.' The older girl had venom laced in her voice. 'I'm gonna be here for you every step of the way.' She finished before laying a peck behind my ear.

I couldn't help but smile at the action. 'You have anything to do today? Work?'

The singer moved from her place behind me and climbed off the bed with a smile 'well..... actually I have something for us to do.'

I raised a brow at the older girl when she went to pull a bag I didn't even see her bring in from the corner of the room. She began to pull out several notebooks, utensils, and other materials.

'What's this for?' I asked confused at the items displayed before me.

'Well I actually do have to work. I have to work on a new song, I usually don't write all my songs but I'd like to try with this one.' She explained while she sat criss cross applesauce on the other end of the bed across from me, I nodded. 'So... I don't want to just sit here and write while you have nothing to do so I got you some stuff to do while I work.' She smiled. 'You can write, or draw, or color.' I couldn't help but giggle at the coloring book that was so obviously meant for children. I gasped lightly when I further examined the book.

'Lion king.' I breathed out softly with a smile while I graced my fingers over the cover.

'Yeah sweetheart I found you lion king.' She sent me a dazzling smile back.

I Got You. |A Norminah fic|Where stories live. Discover now