Chapter 6

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Why did I agree to meet up with her? I mean it's not like I didn't want to but it would only end badly when she found out the truth. I don't think she realized it yet since she still spoke to me but after we meet up she would definitely realize it. I did want my hat back it was one of the few original things that I still had from when I was pushed out my house when I was 16. A part of me hoped she wouldn't notice it and another part hoped that she would and wouldn't care about it. Both ideas were absolute ludicrous. No one wants to be with a homeless woman it's too much work. Especially her since she seemed well off for herself judging by her complex well detailed outfit I saw her in the first time we met and her bodyguards.

I didn't necessarily look extremely bad considering I've been on the streets for the past three years but I definitely exhibited some signs of being less fortunate which I'm sure she would pick up on and have no interest in. I stood in the alley in which I had made a home for myself and slowly began to accept the reality that after this meeting today I would probably never see her again. Normally if this was anyone else I wouldn't agree to meeting them even to get my prized hat back but something about her just enchanted me but it wasn't just her stunning looks I wanted to know more, see more.

It was around 7 a.m. which meant I had about 3 hours before she would arrive at the cafe we had agreed to meet up at. If she bothered to show up at all. I grabbed all of my belongings that I had taken out my bag during the night to get some rest and stuffed them back down into my worn backpack. Leaving things behind when you leave is never a good idea when you're homeless since you never know if a even more less fortunate person would wander up and grab it or if it would be mistaken for trash. That's why everything I owned stayed with me constantly to prevent either one of those things from happening. Again.

I definitely had made some mistakes when I first got out here like leaving things behind trusting that they would be there when I returned, Begging in over populated areas, eating items which were left behind by others and a handful more. Being out here is more of a live and learn scenario since there damn sure isn't a handbook to living on the streets but I make it work. Have been for the past 3 years and I'm quite proud of myself considering I was forced out here when I was only sixteen.

With my backpack secured to my back both straps on my shoulders so no one would try to grab it and run off with it again (once again another live and learn thing). It was daylight but you could still never be too sure people were DESPERATE. After doing a quick scan of the streets I walked out of hiding and attempted to blend in with the other citizens.

I made my way to the 7/11 bathroom to freshen up for the day. Today I felt as if I had to look my absolute best not because I'm meeting up with Normani or anything but just because it's a beautiful day you know. Liar. After cleansing myself I dug through my bag and looked for the nicest, cleanest pair of clothes I owned at the moment. The nicest pair of clothes for me consisted of a black t-shirt, a burgundy flannel, and a fairly worn pair of denim jeans. After looking over my outfit in the mirror I ran my hand through my messy locks to make it somewhat presentable. I even cleaned my shoes slightly with tissue and water in the restroom. After spending around 10 minutes in the bathroom when normally I only spent 5 I walked out back onto the streets. I couldn't decide whether I should have breakfast or just wait until I meet up with Normani later. That's if she even wants to sit down and eat she might just wanna give me my hat back and leave. I had around 9 dollars in my pocket just in case she did wanna eat I could pay. Of course that would be all my money for the next two days but it would be worth it.

It was only 8 o'clock now which meant I had at least two hours to spare before she was supposed to get here, if she even arrived at all. I decided that I could go meet back up with Algee at the corner store. Over the last week or so me and Algee has became pretty good acquaintances, he obviously knew I was homeless but never brought it up much besides the few questions here and there. He let me hang out in their break room every once in a while and we would play video games and he would tell me about different tv shows while he was on break. It felt nice to have a friend even though he wasn't on the streets but still it was someone to talk to.

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