Chapter 7

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I nervously sat on the bench across from the cafe. It just turned 10 which meant Normani would be arriving soon. Hopefully. I wanted to wait in the cafe but a lot of restaurants weren't very open to homeless people even if they offered to pay. They claimed that we made the customers uncomfortable even though we're paying customers as well. I was sure that the owners had probably seen me around here before and knew my circumstances. If I was with Normani they would be more open to me coming inside their establishment since I was with someone who obviously wasn't homeless.

Twenty minutes or so had passed and she still hadn't shown up. This was exactly what I was fearing her getting my hopes up and never showing up. I let out a sigh and began to get up off the bench to make my retreat when a shiny black truck pulled up. I never saw what kind of car she drove or knew if she even drove at all since the first time I saw her she was being driven around. I stood there my bag on my back looking across the street to see if the flashy truck belonged to the beautiful brunette.

The car door opened and the brunette stepped out my baseball cap in hand. She didn't seem to notice me standing across the street as she walked into the cafe. Figures. I stayed across the street for another 2-3 minutes or so before I finally began to walk towards the cafe. I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders before opening the door. I spotted her at the register talking the barista. I patiently waited for her to complete her order before she turned around and walked towards me.

'Dinah hey' she greeted me with a smile.

I involuntarily smiled back. 'Hi, thanks for bringing my hat back'.

'Yeah it's no problem' she replied as she handed my cap back to me.

'Do you wanna sit, I already ordered some hot choclates.' She gestured to the table.

'I wasn't sure what you drank- not that I expected you to wanna sit down with me I know you just wanted your hat back but we can like you know get something to eat or just drink if you already-'

I cleared my throat effectively cutting her off. She looked over to me cheeks darkening when she realized that I had taken a seat at the table she gestured to during her rambling. She quickly sat down across from me attempting to make the moment less awkward.

'Sorry hi' she mumbled.

'Hi Normani, it's nice to see you again' I chuckled at her greeting me once again.

'Do you wanna order something different' she asked as the barista brought two hot chocolates to our small table.

'Actually I'd like to get something to eat, I haven't eaten yet i-if that's okay I can pay for it' I rushed out.

'Yeah of course I could actually go for something too I rushed out the house trying to get here before traffic was too bad'

'Oh you didn't have to rush I would've waited for you to get here I mean it was my hat that you were bringing'

' I know but I don't like people to wait on me but I have a small habit of being late'

'You're late to work a lot' I questioned as the waitress of sorts came to take our menus away as we ordered some breakfast.

'Yup I'm always late to meetings and my manager is always getting on me about it but I think I'm getting better from being like an hour late to only like twenty minutes'

'Well you only got here twenty minutes late so I guess that's not too bad' I replied my tone dripping with sarcasm as she chuckled at me as I smiled involuntarily.

'Way to make me feel better' she retorted. Our food arrived at our table and I immediately dug in. I haven't had a real meal in a while often opting for little snacks and ready to eat food for meals since it was cheaper and easier to make so to have this amazing breakfast it was like a blessing. I was so engrossed in my food and clearing my plate that I had hardly noticed her in front of me eating her food at a moderate pace with a smile gracing her face as she watched me.

I Got You. |A Norminah fic|Where stories live. Discover now