Chapter 24

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'Fuck... fuck fuck!'
I had fell asleep in my car. I was supposed to go see Dinah last night after the long drive back from Sheryl's house regardless of what time it was, but I made a quick  stop at my house to grab some clothes since I was still in the scrubs the doctor had given me. Apparently I ended up falling asleep in the parking garage.

Hopefully Dinah didn't think that I had abandoned her permanently. I stretched my tight muscles from falling asleep in the uncomfortable position once I exited the vehicle. I grabbed my phone and purse from the passenger seat before walking towards the elevator not even speaking to any of the staff that I passed like I normally did.

I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible but I needed a shower. I couldn't go see Dinah in the state that I was in. I was still somewhat covered in filth and blood since I had only washed up a little at the hospital and didn't take an actual shower, I didn't wanna leave Dinah's side for too long while I was there.

Coming home seemed weird, unnatural, like I shouldn't be here right now. Like my house was telling me to run back to Dinah regardless of the circumstances. Ignoring the feeling I made my way up the glass steps to my master bathroom, unceremoniously dropping the green scrubs onto the tiled floor. I set the temperature to near boiling before stepping under the stream. Normally I would be listening to music or watching some show on the small tv mounted in my bathroom but not this time. This time I wanted to be in and out so I could clear my guilty conscience and not be alone with my thoughts for any longer.

How could I just leave her after something that traumatic? I mean it wasn't her fault. None of it was. Like Sheryl said, she was dealt a bad hand.

But she could've told me.

Lord knows she could've told me sooner. I would've accepted her I thought to myself as I began to scrub my body at a harsher rate. Would I have though? I would like to think so but there is a big part of me telling me that I wouldn't have, that I would've found out and left her wherever I found her. This was the same part of my brain that forced me to leave the hospital in the first place.

I just need to get there. I need to get there so I can explain, apologize.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't even realized that I was now being pelted with freezing cold water from being under it for entirely too long. I wrapped a towel my body and my damp curls so it wouldn't drip all over my wooden floors and hastily threw on some attire that was much more appropriate for the gym but would work today nonetheless.

Shortly after I blow dried my hair slightly. The rest would air dry. Just as I was arriving at the front door my stomach let out a loud growl. Food. Dammit.

I mumbled expletives under my breath while I walked towards my kitchen and rummaged through my pantry for something I could grab on my way out the door. I sighed as I realized that I had been so busy lately that I hadn't had any time to make it to the market. This meant that I would have to stop somewhere, preventing me from being with Dinah even longer. I closed my pantry door with a roll of my eyes at its lack of nourishment.

The ride to the parking garage felt longer than usual but I knew why. Upon arriving at the garage I was shocked to see Rob standing by my car dutifully. My shock was coming from for starters I didn't think he would come into work today and when he was he's usually somewhere in the main part of the building or the security office. He didn't actually spend too much time down here. When he was down here the other night he was actually on his way home from a shift so it was odd seeing him down here so freely.

'Rob?' I got the older man's attention as I approached my two vehicles.

He turned from his post and sent me a small smile 'Ms.Kordei, how are you? You got in late I heard.'

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