Chapter 20

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'Okay one more'

'Mani you're gonna miss the entire movie.' Dinah chuckled but obliged to my request anyways.

'Mmm, it's your fault your kisses are too good.' I replied while pecking Dinah's lips a few more times.

Dinah giggled cutely as I continued my assault on her lips further distracting us from the barely watched movie.

Dinah and I were laid out my sofa watching some movie that I had rented for us. These past few weeks had been nothing but amazing. I was still super busy with my upcoming album and rehearsals but I spent all my free time with the shy blonde.

The night of my birthday had been a big step in the right direction for us. We only kissed but that's seems to be all we were ready for at the moment, but I wasn't complaining. We never really brought up what we were doing or attempted to label it but I felt that the "G" word would be coming up very soon.

'Manz I actually wanna see this movie' the blonde whines as she pulls away from my lips.

'Fine but I expect tones of kisses later. What are you feeling for lunch?' I ask standing up from the sofa.

Dinah playfully stroked her non existent beard which I chuckled at 'can I take you out? It's still pretty early. I know you have to go to the studio later but we can grab something pretty quick.' The talker girl asked nearly causing my heart to implode.


'No you payed last time, it's my turn. You never let me take you out on dates Manz' The blonde cut me off.

I knew that Dinah always tried to keep up with me when it came to our dates and paying for things but I couldn't help attempting to spoil her. It was no secret that I had more money than Dinah, hell I had more money than a lot of people so it was just in my nature to try to pay for everything. I didn't want Dinah wasting any of her money on me when I could easily get it myself.

'Sure DJ, get your shoes on.' Dinah happily got up from the couch leaving behind the halfway done movie and began to put on her worn converse. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face at Dinah's excited reaction.

I did the same as the blonde before grabbing my purse and keys from my marble countertop. Dinah held the front door open for me which I sent a thanks at. After my penthouse was securely locked up we walked the short distance to the elevator. Dinah pushes the lobby button and then threw her heard back against the wall of the elevator exaggerated.

'What's wrong Dinah Jane' I asked with a smile because she looked absolutely adorable while I leaned on the wall opposite of her.

'What made you move into an apartment all the way in the sky, it takes forever to get to the parking garage.' The blonde whined cutely.

I took the short stride across the elevator so my hands were now planted on her waist with hardly any space between us 'because Dinah Jane I value my privacy baby' I whispered in her ear hotly.

I leaned back slightly just to see her reaction. Her cheeks were now a soft pink color which I smiled smugly at.

'Shut up' she replied simply before pecking my lips softly.

'You know you can't just kiss me when you don't have a witty comeback' I commented after we pulled apart.

Dinah crosses her arms across her chest 'are you saying you don't like it cause I'll be more than welcome to stop.'

'Woah let's not do anything drastic' I answered dramatically as we finally made it to the parking garage which according to Dinah Jane was three hours away.

I Got You. |A Norminah fic|Where stories live. Discover now