Chapter 14

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Why the fuck was it so bright? I adjusted myself further on my silky sheets to get away from the offending light but to no avail. I let out a loud groan and slowly rose from my bed. My throat felt like I swallowed a pound of sand with no water and my head felt as if I thought it was a good idea to head-but a guy with a steel plate in his. Bile rose up is my throat and I rushed to my bathroom ignoring the protest of the rest of my body to release the contents of my stomach.

I was hungover. Simple.

I stayed hunched over the toilet for another five minutes just gathering myself before slowly preceding over to the sink to get the disgusting taste out my mouth. After brushing my teeth aggressively I grabbed a bottle out of my cabinet and swallowed one of the pills quickly.

I walked downstairs to see several of my friends in a similar situation all strewn out throughout my living room. I cooked a simple breakfast of eggs and bacon for everyone because we sure were gonna need it and apparently I was in the best condition out of everyone to make it.

After Dinah and her friend left I had nothing to do so I drank like you did at parties. I wasn't a lightweight or anything but a few too many shots and it'll have anyone messed up. As I was finishing up the eggs my phone rang loudly increasing my headache by ten. My friends groaned in the living room begging me to to turn it off.

I picked the phone up to spare me and my friends any more discomfort from the device without checking who was calling.

'Hello' I groaned.

'Hi Mani how are you?' Came Dinah's chipper voice on the other end.

'I'm okay super hungover. Why are you calling so early' I asked continuing to stir the eggs to completion.

'Umm I usually call you at this time' she replied in a questioning tone.

I looked over at the time on the microwave to see that it was indeed twelve o'clock.

'Shit sorry I just got up still a little groggy.'

'It's okay you want me to call back later?'

'No! No you don't have to I'm fine I'm just getting breakfast for everyone since their equally as hungover if not more'

'How's work?' I then asked.

'Oh I um I'm actually not working today I'm just here to read.'

'You're the only person I know that hangs out at work on their off days' I teased.

'Hey unlike you I don't have tons of friends to spend the day with. I like reading and this is a great place to do it' I could practically hear the frown in her voice.

'Want me to pick you up?' I asked immediately excited at the prospect of spending the day with the blonde.

'No you don't have to spend some time with your friends I don't want you to get sick of me' she chuckled.

'I could never get sick of you Dinah Jane' I said softly.

'Lets go to the movies you and my friends. They did wanna see you again and so do I so let's go' I nearly pleaded.

'Mani you're hungover you should relax and recoup it's okay.' Dammit why was she so caring I'm just trying to spend time with her.

'I'm fine I swear please Dinah Jane' I said drawing out my letters.

'I'll buy you whatever candy you want!' I bargained. It seems like I always had to beg this girl to hang out with me.

'Whatever kind I want?' She inquired.

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