33 // yoongi

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I sulk around after Jimin hangs up. He says he's spending the night at the Kim's house. I miss him. It's been long day at work.

Chan was beyond angry that I've basically disappeared for the past couple days. My relationship issues aren't exactly an excuse I can give my boss so now all I can do is work harder. I have 3 days worth of writing to catch up on so I get on it.

Why did I do it? Do I not love him? Do I still love another? That can't be right.

The thoughts spiraled in my head driving me closer to insanity. But the moment he walked into my room my mind cleared.

"You're all I want," I say, silently begging him to look up at me.

"I'm only here to get my things," he says softly, moving to collect his clothes out of my closet.

"No, please, you can't go," I beg. "What would become of me?"

"That's none of my business," he says coldly.

I felt my heart shatter. This is the end.|

I can feel tears in my eyes as I put a period on my sentence. I know it isn't real but I can't help but relate it to my situation.

What if Jimin finds out what happened? That I lied? What if he reacts that way? What would become of me?

I don't fall in love easily but when I do, I fall far too hard. The words are always on the tip of my tongue whenever I'm around him but I've been waiting until the perfect moment to say them. I want so badly to replace all his bad memories. I want him to know real love.

But maybe I don't deserve to love him. Not after what I've done. The guilt is eating me alive.


I'm gonna rant about my personal problems real quick again. This is probably tmi so you can skip lol.

You shouldn't have sex because you feel pressured to right?? My boyfriend is getting kinda pissed off that I don't want to and I don't want him to think I don't want to with him or anything, I'm just not ready for that. I wanna wait until I'm 18 just cause I'm from a strict culture and I don't wanna feel like I'm disrespecting my parents y'know? But he doesn't understand that and like I don't want him to leave me because of it :(

Anyyyways vote and comment :) It's really short so I might publish the next one soon too.

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