character q&a

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Get to know them a little better :)


"How do you feel about Jimin?"

I love him more than anything. It wasn't a lie. I hate how everything went- I wanted to tell him at the perfect moment and I've been planning that moment for a while now. I didn't mean for it to slip out during a fight :(

"On a scale of 1-10 how cute do you think Jimin is?"

A scale would never be able to measure his beauty.

"Have you figured out why you kissed Jungkook?"

I- No.. It was just something I had to do in that moment. I needed to kiss him one last time before I walked away forever. I spent the past 4 years wishing for one last kiss and I just couldn't hold back even though I knew it was wrong. I've never regretted anything more in my life.

"I get that you kissed Jungkook for "closure" but did you not think about what the effect would have been on Jimin before you kissed Jungkook?" 

Not really, it happened before I realized it was happening. If I could take it back I would. Both for Jimin and Jungkook.

"Why did you hit jimin dude? I know kinda wasn't ur fault but still."

I didn't hit Jimin! I would never! I was frustrated and I have a habit of running my hands through my hair when I am frustrated. He thought I was going to hit him... I think Jeongyeon used to. I hate that he thinks I'm anything like her. But then again, I can't blame him. I cheated on him just like she did.

"u poor baby :(( taek my love ok bc it's guaranteed to be there until the end of time <3"

thank you :'(

"What is your book about and how do you hope to end it? Plus the title is called?"

Well the book is called lie and it's the story of two boys. It's actually pretty similar to what happened between me and Jimin but that was not at all planned. I don't know how I want to end it anymore. My book it the last thing on my mind. But maybe if I end it well, Jimin and I will get back together. Probably not, but I can hope.


"Are you willing to forgive Yoongi?"

I don't know.. I want to so bad. I want to pretend all of this never happened. Maybe I should. Maybe I'm making a huge deal out of nothing. But is it wrong for me to feel afraid after everything I went through with Jeongyeon.

"How do you feel about Yoongi?"

I love him of course. I'm trying hard to hate him, but I just can't. I need him, he changed everything for me and he truly is the person I've been dreaming of all these years. Even if he messed up. But I don't think I should forgive him. I need to be ok without him. I need to be strong.

"On a scale up to 10 how hot/attractive is yoongi?"

100. You all remember the way I almost peed myself when I first saw him in the cafe.

"What do you think of Jungkook? And I hope you start feeling better soon. Love you"

Jungkook has gone through way too much for his age. He's such so talented in so many different things but he always calls himself useless. It really hurts to listen to him sometimes. I hope I'll start feeling better too and love you too <3

"Do you need a virtual hug?"

Yes pls :(

"tAeK mY lOvE u PoOr sUfFerIng sOuL"

lie //yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now