Draco . 11

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I didn't know how long I've been out in my darkness, but when I woke up, I was surprised to find myself back in my room. Better, I'm all tucked in my own bed. Groaning, I just laid down with a heavy sigh before my mind remembers everything that happened. The incident that happened back in father's house office room. I'm a full Veela and I'm on a track to my own death, if I didn't find my mate within the remaining 5 months that I was left with. Groaning once more, I finally sat up on my bed before I rested my head on my hands, heavy sigh escaped from my lips. 

"This is all messed up! How am I supposed to find her and tell her about my condition? Tell her that I'm fucking Veela and I needed to mate with her, if I want to live!", I mutter. 

My mind suddenly brought me to the thought of that particular girl in Hogwarts. I could never be able to identify her as her image was rather blurry in my vision, but I knew that she's at Hogwarts because I've seen her house robe before and I was definitely sure that it's a she! I'm just not sure if I actually knew her in that school, or she could be someone that I never paid attention to. I just stayed on my bed, trying to think of that girl where I thought that she could be my possibly mate as I couldn't stop thinking of her 'til a very familiar scent snapped me out from my trance. It so familiar that I actually remembered I've smelled it almost every day, almost everywhere in Hogwarts' ground. It was a very feminine, soft smell. Like a warm vanilla-honey and flowery-berries scent. A combination of vanilla-honey and daisy-blueberry. Very weird but sweet. I couldn't helped with the scent and I could even smelled in my room, too. I quickly climbed off from my bed to search for the scent, which led me to my closet. I couldn't helped with the frown that began to form on my face as I walked closer towards the door 'til my hand wrapped around the cold, metal doorknob. 

My heart was beating rather rapidly and faster, too in pace before I took a deep breathe, pushing the door open and to meet nothing but empty closet that filled with my stuffs and belongings. I swore that I feel a bit disappointed, but shrugged it off as I could still smelled the scent in the room. It smelled stronger than before, where I was on my bed. I followed the scent 'til it led me to my hanging tops section. Frowning, I began to rummage through the section 'til I stumble my school uniform with my house robe hovered it, hanging in the section as well. Both articles had the strongest smelled of that scent and it made me want to devour it, but again I'm confused. 

"Who did smelled like this? When was the last time I actually had someone that close with me-"


"Draco", I soon to be snap out from my trance. 

Frowning, I shake my head a little as I look at my parents whose now looking at me with a very worried look on their faces. I tense a little, shaking my head before I down myself with dinner in my plate. The dinner is in complete, tensing silence but I couldn't be bothered about it. I couldn't stop thinking about the scent that I smelled earlier, in my closet before Mother checked on me and informed me about dinner. I almost have a hint of who that mysterious girl 'til Mother interrupted my thoughts and it just vanish, simply like that. As much as it bothers me, I couldn't help but to push it aside and gotten dress for dinner. 

"Draco, if we could've go back in time, your father and I would definitely do it and get you prepare for what's to come. We really would, but we couldn't and you know that. Even if we have the device, it's against the law being made by the Ministry and we could be sentenced to death if we were found guilty for it. Listen, Draco! We know that you really don't have much of time, but we really need you to look for you mate. Not only for your own sake, but for your mate's sake too! If you haven't realized, you're a very much different than any other ordinary Veela. Your Veela has a very powerful magic within you and there are people after your power. Both, you and your mate are in grave danger. It will only get worse once your mate is pregnant with your baby. The Muggles and our people will be after all of you, and will harm your mate and child in the process to get you.", Mother suddenly speaks. 

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