Chapter 12

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Riker's P.O.V

"It all started when we were in freshman year and when we were best friends with Ratliff. On the second week of school when Vanessa came on the second week of school. I fell in love with her. What sucked was that I didn't have any of my classes with her. The only person who had all their classes with her was Ratliff. I asked Ratliff for a favor which was if he can get to know her so I can know the perfect way to ask her out. After about a week or so I found out that Ratliff had plans for the whole week with Vanessa so I let my jealousy get the best of me. So I yelled to him that I'm kicking him out of the band. That was when all of you guys went to get food for us and you guys left me and Ellington alone. So I was the real cause of Ellington leaving R5." I said. "I don't get it." Vanessa said. "YOU FUCKING DUMBASS! I NEVER WILL FORGIVE YOU FOR RUINING 4 YEARS OF MY LIFE! FROM NOW ON, YOUR NO LONGER MY BROTHER!" Rydel yelled and then slapped me, and she ran to her room upstairs. "I can't believe you!" my baby bro Ryland said leaving to go up to his room. "I would expect more responsibility from you Riker!" Rocky said leaving the house. "How could you lie to us for 4 years Riker?!" Ross said following Rocky. "I don't get it Riker what are they talking about." Vanessa said. " The reason that I started bullying you and Ratliff was that I was so jealous that I didn't find the heart to stop hating on him. Also, since I forgot that I liked you so I bullied you too until that day that I slapped you. I stopped since I remembered that you did nothing for me to hate you. They are starting to hate me since I told them that Ratliff didn't want to be in R5 anymore and that he quit, when he actually was kicked out by me that day. "So our friendship was a lie this whole time?!" Vanessa yelled to Ratliff. "I-I-I-I" Ratliff said. He then stayed quiet. "So I guess it is!" She yelled and started to cry and ran out of the house.


Everything is falling apart! 😱💔😔 The Lynch family is falling apart. Now you know Riker's lie that he kept a secret! Was Ratliff and Vanessa's friendship a lie this whole time? 5 VOTES AND 5 COMMENTS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! I had finished this chapter in one day, yesterday, but then I deleted it on accident and I wanted to cry and I was really pissed. THANKS FOR 4 COMMENTS AND 6 VOTES IN ONE OR MAYBE 2 DAYS! That was enough for me to want to post this chapter for you! LOVE YOU ALL!

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