Chapter 14

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Vanessa's P.O.V:

Riker is kissing me?! THE Riker Lynch is kissing me?! The guy who has been bullying me since freshman year is kissing me?! I felt him pull away and I saw him blush. Well this is awkward. "What was that?" I asked him. "A kiss. A really long kiss." he said. "Why'd you kiss me?" I asked him. "It felt right at the moment." he said. "Hey Riker! Ratliff said coming downstairs with his and Rydel's hands together. "What do you want?" I said glaring at Ellington. "So I'm guessing that you haven't talked to her yet about your feelings and the other thing." Ratliff said. "What feelings Riker?" I said with a questioning look on my face. "My feelings for you." he said nervous. "What type of feelings are they?" I asled. "The feelings that I have for you are more than a friend feeling kind of way. So what I'm trying to say is that, I'm in love with you. But, I know you won't feel the-" was all he said before I cut him off with a kiss. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "I like you too." I said. "You do?!" he asked excited. I nodded my head and he quickly pulled me into a hug. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me. "I would love to!" I said. He pulled me into a kiss. "Vanessa?" Ratliff said. "I turned to look at him with an annoyed face. "What?" I said annoyed. "My friendship with you was not a lie. Even if I haven't been kicked out of R5, Im pretty sure that I would still have been your friend. You can think what you want, no matter what, I still have your back, through thick and thin." Ratliff said. "I understand and I believe you." I said giving him a hug.
*2 week before homecoming*

Riker's P.O.V:

"Mom! I'm going to the store to by some milk!" I yelled to my mom. "Okay sweetie! Be safe!" my mom yelled. Today seems nice out. I think I'm going to walk to the store instead of driving. Man it's almost time for prom. Its almost my 9th month anniversary with Vanessa! Man there's so many things to look forward to! I crossed the street making sure there were no cars driving by. I saw none driving so I crossed the street, as I crossed I looked to my right and I saw a car coming in fast. Before I can even get the chance to run, everything went black.

Yay! Rydellington is together! Rinessa is together! Do you think Riker is okay? I finally had a chance to finish the chapter and I decided to post it today! Who saw R5 on GMA?! I am so proud of them to be there for what, their third time? Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter so, please vote and comment!😘😊

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