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When you inherit a company, you have to assume that there will be someone in your way

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When you inherit a company, you have to assume that there will be someone in your way. In Freya's case, it was her uncle. Not her father's brother like one would imagine, her step mother's brother.

"She is a child." Said Halbert Dalton.

"And this company is my birth right." She Said. "You know that I have been preparing for this my entire life while you only decided to swoop in now." She spoke emotionlessly, knowing the slightest tremble in her voice would lead to her being called hysterical, or probably on her period.

"You need to understand that I am the adult. I am the man of the family, and you will do as I say." He Said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And you need to understand that I am eighteen and perfectly capable of making my own decisions. I have graduated early from a prestigious school and have read more books than can be counted on how to run a business."

"No, Freya. I need this company, to live." He pleaded with her. "Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement, I know how emotional women can be."

She refused to rise at bait.

"I refuse to give you my family's empire before you have earned the right to take it from me." She kept her tone the same although she was seething on the inside.

"Fine, councilman." Said her uncle nodding to the councilman on the other end of the table. He left the room.

"Frank, you think I'm ready right?" She Asked, looking up at her father's most trusted advisor.

"Yes, Freya. Your father left everything to you. And I know how you plan on expanding the business, and I think it's a marvellous idea."

"Thank you, Frank. And I trust that you aren't saying this just because you think I may replace you with Candace." She Said.

"Well Ms. Cane would be an excellent candidate. I would be a fool not to feel threatened." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, she has her own office, we've been planning this since we were twelve." She Said.

"I know you have." Said Frank. "And I am sorry about Andrew what he did to you was unforgivable." He placed a hand on her shoulder. She sighed.

"Do me a favour?" She Asked.

"What is it?"

"If ever I bring Tom around here do not mention anything about Andrew." She Said.

"You have my word. So am I finally going to meet this boy you speak so highly of?" He asked.

"Yes, he is brilliant. If my venture is a success I might hire him in a department." She Said.

"That serious? Tell me, do I get to give you away at the wedding?"

She laughed but nodded. Frank was her main father figure growing up. She spent spent time with him because he was the only one who spoke to her like a grown up. Then again when he was the only one who stood up for her when she told her father about what Andrew had done to her when she was fifteen. He was the reason that Andrew was in Azkaban instead of executed by MACUSA.

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