:: Day Out ::

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   Today was a monday and most of the members had the day off to themselves, only Seungkwan and Seokmin had scheduled appearances for a radio show. This meant the rest of the members could spend the day as they pleased and Soonyoung was looking forward to doing just that. The weather was nice outside and he fancied going out shopping; not necessarily to buy anything but to just browse.

   Standing up from his bed after slipping on a pair of white socks, he was ready to go. He checked himself in the mirror to make sure he looked alright and wouldn't stand out too much. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a thin off-white hoodie over the top, left undone whilst a pair of black denim jeans adorned his legs. He picked up a black cap from his bedside unit and placed it on his head whilst also making sure to pick up the simple white mask from his desk. He stuck it into the pocket of his jeans as he'd need to wear it when he left the dorm to conceal his identity.

   If you'd have asked Soonyoung when he was a young teenager if he ever thought he'd have to hide his identity when going out into public on a normal day, he couldn't have even begun to fathom it. Yet here he was now, 3 years after they debuted as SEVENTEEN.

   Soonyoung had originally planned on asking Hansol to join him today, but seemingly his roommate had already left. So with a quick tap on his cap with both his hands, pressing it down a little more on top of his head, he turned and opened his door to leave his room. Right, who should I ask to join me? He thought.

   Stepping out into the corridor he walked into the dorm living room and eyed several figures taking up various spaces. Wonwoo was sat focused on his phone beside Jun who also seemed deeply engaged by the screen - so they were most likely playing a game. Seungcheol was stood in the kitchen by Mingyu who by the looks of it was cleaning up after a meal. The last person; Chan was sat on one of the chairs at the table scrolling through his phone. As it was half-past eleven in the morning, Soonyoung assumed the other members may still be in bed.

   With a stretch of his arms raising them above his head, Soonyoung walked further into the room and announced his presence with a slightly louder than needed tone of voice, "Hey, who fancies going out shopping??"
   Wonwoo briefly raised his head from his screen and gave a monotonous "Not me", whilst Jun never lifted his gaze. Seungcheol looked back over his shoulder towards Soonyoung whilst cracking open a can of coke, "Sorry, I've already made plans with Jeonghan today. Maybe next time? Remember don't stay out too late though as we're having a group meeting later."

   Ah, Soonyoung had almost forgotten - Seungcheol had spoken to Jihoon and Soonyoung only the other day and told them he'd like them to have a sit down with the members at some point in the evening on their next free day, to discuss the comeback, how everyone was feeling and plans over the coming months.
   Soonyoung gently scratched the back of his head and smiled at his hyung, his eyes thinning with the change of expression "Don't worry, I'll be back on time!" Soonyoung thought it best to pretend like he hadn't forgotten.

   That was until a snide remark was made to his left side, "Aish, hyung you didn't even remember, did you?"

   Soonyoung glanced down at Chan who was smirking up at him and gently Soonyoung punched Chan's shoulder, "Yah, who are you talking to like that??"
   Chan laughed; a happy sound which echoed round the room, "Sorry hyung, I'll come with you though if you'd like. There's a couple things I'd like to get myself." Soonyoung grinned his normal toothy grin and lowered his head down to nuzzle his cheek against the adorable maknae, "I knew I could count on you~!"
   The action was met with an eruption of complaints and various ways of wording 'get off of me', to which Soonyoung simply laughed.

   "Mingyu, you alright?" Seungcheol's voice caught Soonyoung's attention and he raised his eyes to look towards the kitchen, his cheek not leaving his maknae's. Mingyu's dark orbs were staring intently at Soonyoung and Chan; specifically at Soonyoung's face.
   His lips had thinned into a straight line and he looked almost, stern? A little put out? Soonyoung felt a strange chill run down his spine at the gaze he was receiving and not a moment later, Chan was pushing against Soonyoung's cheek with his hand, pushing Soonyoung away with slight laughter to his voice, "Ok, enough is enough, hyung. I'm basically ready, just let me get my jacket." With that Chan stood up and headed towards his room.

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