:: Acceptance ::

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   Several days had passed since Mingyu's confession at the studio and Soonyoung had asked Mingyu before they'd entered the dorm if he could have a few days to think things over. It's not that he wanted to avoid Mingyu, Soonyoung just needed some time to go over the thoughts in his head without the man in question staring at him; he really couldn't think properly around Mingyu anymore. 

   At the time, Mingyu's expression had looked a little sad upon Soonyoung's request, however he had nodded and respected Soonyoung's wishes. True to his word, Mingyu hadn't bothered Soonyoung at all over the past few days.
   Obviously there were some occasions where they had to work with each other as a group, but they managed as always. Though Soonyoung had felt nervous every time Mingyu spoke or if they stood in close proximity. But Mingyu seemed completely composed, smiling his normal dashing smile, being his usual cheerful self. It was Soonyoung who had been quiet in comparison.

   How had Mingyu coped so well after such a confession? Was Soonyoung the only one feeling like a fumbling mess?

   Soonyoung let out a soft groan and sat up from his bed, it was a Thursday and was getting late in the evening. The hip-hop unit were out for a schedule leaving just the vocal unit and performance unit at home.
   Already wearing his navy blue and red pajamas, he got off of his bed and made his way into the living room. Seungkwan was sat watching one of the latest romantic dramas on TV and seemed deeply engrossed, hand reaching into popcorn every few seconds. But where was everyone else?

   Soonyoung bunked himself down beside Seungkwan and grabbed a handful of popcorn, to which Seungkwan gently smacked his hand though not hard enough for Soonyoung to drop any. Grinning, Soonyoung placed a few in his mouth and munched away happily, briefly watching a bit of the show whilst he finished his snacking.

   "Where is everyone?" He eventually asked.

   "Minghao-hyung and Shua-hyung are drinking wine in Minghao's room. Jeonghan-hyung, Chan and Seokmin-hyung went to the shop to buy some more snacks. Jihoon-hyung refused to watch this with me and went back to his room..." Seungkwan was listing everything so matter-of-factly Soonyoung felt like it was a shopping list, "...and Jun-hyung went to the studio to practice."

   "Oh, got it... So what is this?" Soonyoung looked back to the screen, indicating he was asking about the show. Seungkwan went into a very long explanation over the plot and the characters and Soonyoung kept nodding along at random intervals.

   They continued to watch the show together, only passing brief comments when anything noteworthy happened. That was, until the kiss scene.
   The female lead was ridged as the male kissed her, not looking sure if she should respond or not. A familiar feeling arose in Soonyoung's stomach. From what Soonyoung had grasped from the plot so far as well as Seungkwan's description, the two characters were boss and employee. The female employee hated the entitled boss, however the boss liked her. He'd made his move on her whilst they'd been working late and the woman didn't seem to be appreciating the kiss one bit.

   Was that situation similar to his own? Soonyoung didn't hate Mingyu at all though, far from it of course. Soonyoung was pondering away at his thoughts until an abrupt Seungkwan spoke up, "Oh my God can she hurry up and stop acting like she doesn't love him already!"

   Soonyoung's eyes widened a little and he looked over at Seungkwan, "She likes him? How on Earth did you get that from this scene? She's hating it."

   Seungkwan seemed briefly confused by Soonyoung's disagreement but he rolled his eyes, "Aish, hyung what do you know? Look at her! If she didn't love him back, she wouldn't be clinging on to him."

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