:: Craving ::

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   The floor beneath Soonyoung's feet vibrated slightly with each pulse of the bass playing through the speakers on the far side of the bar. The thirteen members had split into several individual groups as they each had a few drinks - Chan was moving back and forth between the groups in order to talk to everyone as they celebrated his birthday, the night drawing to a finish.
   Soonyoung was leaning forward, arms crossed over the wooden surface of the bar in front of him with his finger tips loosely holding onto the top of his glass; swirling the bronze toned liquid round in a careful circle whilst he felt his mind grow a little hazy. He hadn't had too much to drink as his tolerance was terrible, but he'd at least had enough to make his body feel light and make him feel not be so certain of his sense of balance.

   "Hyung!" An enthusiastic voice bellowed in Soonyoung's ear, a pair of arms wrapped around Soonyoung's neck from the side to pull him into a firm chest.
   It was the birthday boy.

   Soonyoung grinned and adjusted his position to wrap one arm around Chan's waist and hold him close, finding Chan's slurred words and wobbly legs to be quite amusing, "How much have you had to drink, Chan? You'll regret it tomorrow." Soonyoung spoke with a chuckle, his eyes thinning into the shape of crescent moons.

   "Aish, hyung. Let's not worry about the smaller details and let's just have a good time." Chan's face lit up with a wide grin before he turned his attention to the barman and ordered two shots of a thick looking black liquid.
   Soonyoung raised an eyebrow at the substance that was put in front of him; unsure of what it was.

   Chan simply grinned and gently knocked his shot glass against the side of Soonyoung's, "Bottoms up!" Chan called out before tipping the liquid into his mouth, exhaling through gritted teeth and shuddering directly afterwards until Chan grinned once more.

   Soonyoung hesitated briefly but began lifting the shot glass to his lips, right up until a hand grasped his wrist and halted his movements.
   He blinked a couple of times looking down at the shot glass directly in front of his face; the strong stench of what seemed like liquorice or aniseed invading his senses causing his face to grimace in repulsion at how overpowering the drink was just from the smell alone.

   "I think you've had quite enough, hyung."

   Soonyoung felt his stomach flutter at the voice behind him and turned around so he could see Mingyu's face. The tanned male seemed to be looking directly in the space between Chan and Soonyoung and it wasn't until Soonyoung followed his gaze, that he noticed he was still holding his arm around Chan.
   Chan at this point was far too distracted by Joshua on the other side of him to notice as Soonyoung moved his arm away.

   Mingyu smirked and removed the shot glass from Soonyoung's hand, looking around momentarily before beckoning over another member.
   Soonyoung watched as Seokmin approached and with a large grin, Mingyu handed Seokmin the shot glass, "Go and give this to Seungkwan." Mingyu laughed at his own thoughts as Seokmin smelled the liquid, his face mimicking the earlier expression Soonyoung had shown.

   "Bloody hell! What's in here?? This might kill him, Mingyu." Seokmin laughed looking back over his shoulder. The three of them could all see a relatively tipsy Seungkwan on the dance floor grinding against a helpless Hansol who had been dragged onto the dance floor with him. It was hard to see their faces clearly because of the dim lighting, but Soonyoung couldn't help but notice that Hansol's face seemed to be darker than usual and he was biting his lip a hell of a lot...

   Mingyu patted Seokmin's shoulder and nodded his head, his lips straining slightly whilst trying to suppress a smile, "Serves him right for stealing some of our skin lotion."
   Seokmin's eyes seemed to widen at the memory, "I'd forgotten about that, you're right!" He grinned and turned on his heel heading towards their friend calling out to him; "Seungkwan~!"

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