:: What If It Were Us? ::

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(Verkwan Bonus Chapter)

   How much had Seungkwan had to drink? Hansol thought, having lost count after the fifth shot of liquid that Seungkwan had knocked back down his throat. The blue haired male was a mess, his words slurring and his balance failing him - yet still Seungkwan had managed to drag Hansol to the dance floor where he threw his arms around Hansol's neck, pressing their bodies close together as he began to grind and sway to the beat of the music which vibrated beneath their feet.

   Hansol felt flustered as he looked at the wreck before him, unsure of where to place his hands. He wanted to make sure Seungkwan didn't lose his balance and so would hold carefully on to Seungkwan's hips but then realising how intimate a position it looked, he'd quickly move his hands away.

   It was like a constant back and forth cycle, one moment holding on to Seungkwan to keep him steady and then the next releasing him as if he'd received an electric shock. It must have been quite humourous to watch if anyone was paying attention.

   They were out celebrating Chan's birthday but Hansol had only had a couple of drinks himself, finding himself far too concerned with the ever-growing drunken state of his best friend, Seungkwan.

   The fact Seungkwan was choosing to grind against him was making Hansol's cheeks burn. What if the other members got the wrong idea? Then again, this was Seungkwan...

   Skinship wasn't a foreign concept between the two of them - in fact it was quite the opposite. Seungkwan always showered Hansol with attention and affection whether Hansol liked it or not.

   Seungkwan would always tell Hansol that he was like a cute little puppy that Seungkwan was watching grow which was strange given the fact they were the same age. Seungkwan did like to reminisce about the times where Hansol was the shorter one of the pair back before their debut, as if he was a fond parent cooing over the growth of his child.
   Hansol chuckled briefly as he thought over the things Seungkwan would say to him, but was brought back into the moment when he felt Seungkwan's forehead knock into the crease of his neck catching him off-guard.

   "I don't feel so good..." Was all Seungkwan could say against Hansol's skin, his warm breath tainted by the smell of alcohol causing Hansol to shudder ever so slightly.

   Carefully holding onto Seungkwan's shoulders to keep the older male stable, Hansol looked down at the blue haired male before him - noting the flush to his cheeks from his alcohol consumption as well as the daze in his brown eyes.

   He really didn't look so good, like he was going to puke at any moment.

   Hansol cringed slightly but carefully began leading Seungkwan towards the direction of the toilets, "I told you to not drink so much, Kwannie. Why did you accept that shot off of Seokmin-hyung?"

   Seungkwan simply groaned in response, the memory of the shot seemingly not helping his current situation which made Hansol roll his eyes and grin. His steps were slow and careful, not wanting to rush Seungkwan whose balance wasn't perfect.

   On the way to the toilets they walked past Jihoon who was approaching the booth where most of the members were sitting and Hansol overheard Jihoon say that Mingyu and Soonyoung had already headed home because Soonyoung was drunk.
   Looks like Hansol would be taking care of two drunk messes tonight. Seungkwan had his care and attention now, but no doubt when Hansol got home and went to bed - he'd have to deal with the drunken and then potentially hungover state of his roommate, Soonyoung.

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