:: Together ::

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   Soonyoung's whole body felt tensed as he sat on the floor of their dance studio, legs straight out in front of him as he leaned back against the mirrored wall which worked as a cool contrast against his faintly sweat ridden skin. He was wearing a sleeveless white vest top with grey sweats on and trainers on his feet. Around his neck was a small white towel hanging down against his shoulders; soaking up the slight trickles of sweat which threatened to fall down his body.
   The last schedule of their day was practice; it was currently half twelve in the morning and most of the members had since gone home. Soonyoung stayed however, but he wasn't alone.

   The door to the studio opened and in stepped an also-sweat ridden Wonwoo, wearing a black t-shirt and black slacks. He was wiping his face with a small towel before rubbing the back of his neck as he approached where Soonyoung was sitting; two bottles of water dangling from the grasp of his other hand.
   "Here you go." He spoke softly with his deep toned voice, extending a hand out to pass Soonyoung a bottle.

   With a nod of his head, gesturing his thanks, Soonyoung took the bottle and unscrewed the cap in order to drink some of the cool liquid, exhaling at how it soothed his throat. Soonyoung didn't mind getting worked up and sweaty when it came to practicing as he felt like it truly showed how hard he was working to perform to the best of his ability for Carats. But he was still human and his body was feeling the aftereffects. However that wasn't the only reason Soonyoung felt so tense.
   He knew what was coming, now that he and Wonwoo were alone. Intentionally.

   Wonwoo turned around and slid down the mirrored wall in order to sit besides Soonyoung, raising both his knees to drape his arms over the top of them, only taking a slight glance to his side to eye Soonyoung through the lenses of his round glasses.
   "So... What's been going on, Soonyoungie?" 

   Soonyoung noticeably gulped and turned to glance back at Wonwoo, raising an eyebrow slightly and giving a forced smile, "Nothing?"
   The older male was hoping he could play down the situation and avoid it at all costs. But that wasn't possible anymore.

   Wonwoo simply returned a stern gaze towards Soonyoung which eventually caused the older male to duck his head and bite at his lower lip nervously, "When did you find that picture?"

   With a soft sigh, Wonwoo rested his head back against the glass of the mirror and focused his gaze forward although not really staring at anything in particular.
  "I saw the first picture, the one with the zoom, around two or so days ago. But those pictures of you and Mingyu running from the shop - as far as I'm aware, they were only linked to that first image over the past day."

   Wonwoo paused before looking back at Soonyoung, clearing his throat a little before adjusting his posture, the arms he had draped over his knees moving so he was actually hugging his knees towards his chest, "So... What's actually going on with, you know...?"

   The younger of the two was hinting at the relationship Soonyoung had with Mingyu, unsure of how to approach the topic more directly.
   Soonyoung could sense the nerves and the tense posture of Wonwoo without even needing to look at him and it was causing Soonyoung to feel just the same. You'd have thought after talking to Minghao and then Hansol, that Soonyoung would feel a little more relaxed about breaching the topic with someone else - especially his own best friend. However both previous times, Mingyu had been the one to handle the situation. Minghao had approached Mingyu and then again the time with Hansol, Mingyu was the one who did the talking and explained everything.

   Soonyoung had yet to do the explaining himself and it was filling him with anxiety. Mingyu was almost like his safety blanket regarding the situation - just having Mingyu beside him was enough to put him a little more at ease; yet here he was now with no one there to give him support or comfort him through the talk. So how did he go about starting the conversation with Wonwoo?

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