:: Look At Me ::

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   The fifteen minute drive to the studio felt like the longest time period of Mingyu's life. Jihoon had kept his earphones in and was fully engrossed in listening to a track he'd been working on, whilst Soonyoung and Mingyu stayed in silence. Mingyu could feel Soonyoung's eyes burning daggers right through him but he feigned ignorance. In all honesty Mingyu had no idea how to face him, not after the fact he'd kissed him repeatedly not too long ago.

   Upon arrival at the studio though, they each took it in turns to grab as much as their arms could carry from the boot of the van once the driver had opened it for them. Mingyu was carrying three stacked cardboard boxes whilst the other two members managed two each. They were relatively heavy and Mingyu did wonder what was inside them.
   "Hyung, what's even in these boxes anyway?" Mingyu questioned the smallest of the three males.

   Jihoon glanced back at Mingyu and with a very nonchalant expression gave his reply, "Some new equipment I'd ordered." Clearly Jihoon didn't care to explain any further and so Mingyu straightened his lips and nodded before following Jihoon into their studio.

   Jihoon wasn't much for conversation and apparently was sticking true to that trait of his. Mingyu had been roommates with Jihoon for quite a while now and was normally fine with Jihoon's lack of interest in conversations, but today of all days Mingyu had hoped Jihoon would at least keep some form of conversation flowing, just so Mingyu could avoid feeling the tense and suffocating atmosphere that Soonyoung was overflowing with at that very moment.

   Mingyu took a risk at glancing down to his right hand side where Soonyoung was, just slightly behind him and had to restrain his natural urge to gulp upon noticing the death-glare he was receiving. Mingyu quickly looked away.
   "Where do you want these boxes hyu-..." Mingyu was abruptly cut off by the noise of Soonyoung putting his two boxes down far too close to Mingyu's right foot for comfort.

   "Ah, careful!" Jihoon exclaimed giving Soonyoung a scolding look.

   "Sorry, it slipped!" Soonyoung's tone sounded forced as he grinned at Jihoon, though Mingyu could tell the smile didn't meet his eyes, "I'll go get the last boxes, there's only three left." Soonyoung didn't waste time in turning on his heel and heading back in the direction that had come from to head back to the car.

   There was momentary silence  between Jihoon and Mingyu whilst Jihoon carefully re-organised the boxes against the wall, his own having been placed down neatly already. Mingyu sighed softly and began carefully stacking his own boxes on top of the others.

   "What happened with you and Soonyoung?" 

   Mingyu froze slightly at the questioning voice of Jihoon and for a few seconds felt panic, wondering if Jihoon had perhaps seen them that morning, although he quickly began to reassure himself that, that couldn't have been possible as Mingyu had a clear view of the corridor and none of the dorm bedroom's opened - it had been just him and Soonyoung.

   Mingyu cleared his throat and stood up straight, brushing his hands against his side as if to remove dirt, "Nothing? What makes you ask that, hyung?"

   Jihoon arched an eyebrow in Mingyu's direction and nodded his head twice almost mockingly slowly, "Riiiight..." Jihoon was silent for a little while and Mingyu was thankful the topic had past, right up until Jihoon felt the need to make one more remark, "All I know is that in all the time I've known him, I have never seen him glare at someone the way he was just eyeballing you..."

   Mingyu felt his stomach drop and his heart sink whilst Jihoon's expression remained blank and relatively uncaring. He was right though, Soonyoung was a warm soul and never meant anyone any ill malice. Soonyoung was all; round cheeks and toothy grin. Yet today Soonyoung was everything but that.

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