~Chapter Eight~

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At last it was time to say goodbye to my family. Julia, Sophia, and Darren hugged me when we made it to the airport. "Goodbye, Luna. Remember, we need calls or at least texts daily," Julia said.

"Bye, Juls," I said.

"This is it," Darren said. I buried my face in his chest.

"I don't want to go," I said.

"Well, remember this. We've got these days of summer to remind us of each other."

"The time we have to spend apart will keep us in each other's hearts," I said, my voice breaking slightly.

"I'm hoping that the good old days are something I will dream about at night. Don't matter if it's soon or later, I know that it's gonna be alright," Darren said.

"Don't wanna see you go, but it's not forever, not forever. Even if it was you know that I would never let it get me down. 'Cause you're the part of me that makes me better, where-ever I go. So I will try not to cry, but no one needs to say goodbye," Darren and I said together.

"I'll see you later, Luna. My moon and all my stars," Darren said.

"I'll see you later, DareBear," I said.

I checked into the flight and boarded the plane. I sent Robert a text. Should be in CHI. in about two hours...text you when I arrive.

I put my phone on airplane mode as Lauren sat next to me. "Hey. Are you excited for Twisted?" I asked her.

"Yes! Now that the cast has been announced, I'm so excited!" She exclaimed. Joey slipped next to her and kissed her forehead.

"Well, let's get comfy. Do you know your living situation?" Joey asked me. I nodded.

"Mere and Brian," I said.

"Okay," Joey said with a small, mysterious smile. I disregarded it and started listening to my music.

Midway through the flight, there was turbulence. I gripped the handrails. Lauren seemed to notice. "It'll be okay. I promise. The pilot knows what he's doing," Lauren said, taking my hand. I squeezed it and smiled. "See, that helps. And the turbulence is gone."

"Thanks, Lo," I whispered. After about another hour, we finally touched down. I texted Robert that I was here. After Lauren, Joey, and I got our bags from the baggage claim, we went out and I saw a group of people. Lauren took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I saw people I recognized from other musicals. Joe Walker, Denise Donovan, Jaime Lyn Beatty, the whole squad.

"Hello!" Jaime exclaimed, hugging Joey and Lauren. "Hi. You must be Luna. I'm Jaime."

"Hi," I said quietly, hugging her. Introductions went in a similar manner until I saw Robert behind everyone. I ran towards him and hugged him, inhaling that scent of home in him.

"I've missed you," he said, holding me against his chest.

"Me too!" I exclaimed, staying close to him for a minute longer until Lauren cleared her throat.

"Well, we have the living situations," Lauren said. We all nodded and split into two groups. Lauren and Joey were staying with Jade and Eric. Jaime, Denise, and Joe headed off, because they just wanted to welcome us here. Robert and I went with Brian and Meredith. I understood Joey's smile. It was because I was finally back with my best friend.

That night, I fought with insomnia. I hated that I had so much trouble sleeping. I silently padded over to Robert's room, across the hall from where I was staying. I saw my shadow in the moonlight spilling in from behind the curtains. After gathering the courage to wake him up, he sat up. "What is it?"

"Insomnia. Can I sleep with you?" I asked. Robert moved over.

"Come on, I was also having trouble," he said, pulling the blankets back. I smiled and went into the space he gave me, warmed by his body. I pulled the blankets back over us.

That morning, I woke up at exactly eight hours. Robert also woke up at that time. "Good morning," I mumbled.

"Mornings haven't become your thing yet?" Robert asked. I nodded. "Well, I have rehearsal. I would stay if I didn't have to, but I really want to and I'm super excited."

"Okay," I said, deciding to also get up. Once I did, I showered and headed to the kitchen, where there was food.

"Morning," Meredith said cheerfully. I eyed her strangely and ate.

"Not a morning person," Robert explained. Brian raised his mug of coffee in agreement that he wasn't a morning person.

Once everyone was ready, I was planning on staying here all day, but I was convinced to come to rehearsal. To meet all the other Starkids. Once I greeted the ones I knew, I met everyone I didn't know. "So, we're running beginning blocking. Let's have Denise do it," Brian exclaimed. I sat in one of the back rows with Joey.

"Odd one out?" I asked. He nodded. We both watched a scene come alive on the stage. It was incredible. Despite the fact that I didn't even know anyone's character, it was still super cool. Robert seemed to be the village leader. It made me enraptured to know that his talent was being used in such a way that just wowed me.

Everyone split for lunch. Lunch went in a way that someone got a wide variety of food and everyone ate. Lauren decided to take today and she got gluten-free food. After lunch, they were going to practice a scene with Aladdin stealing and then a love duet between Ja'far and his wife. Once they rejoined, there was going to be another run-through of the opening number. Most people that didn't have scenes left for an hour. I decided to stay since everyone I was staying with was here. I went with Brian, who was working with the Aladdin scene.

"Sometimes, I wish I didn't get jealous so easily," Brian whispered over his script, twisting his wedding ring around his finger. I gave him an encouraging smile.

"It's okay," I said. Brian looked at me while everyone ran lines, surprised that I heard. "I'm going to tell you a story. So, a few years ago, Robert got a girlfriend. He was happy with her, and she was nice. After a while, I did feel like I had lost my best friend. But, I did find some more friends and I was able to engage in my studies a bit more. Maybe this is a good thing. Just remember that this ring," I pointed to his hand and we smiled. "This-this is a promise you guys made to each other."

Brian smiled gratefully and went onto this scene. I learned that Jeff Blim was playing Aladdin and that he and Rachael Soglin (Princess) worked together in college. I expected great onstage chemistry.

The hour ended and the whole cast convened together for the beginning. It was crazy to know that all of this came together in a day. I was glad Meredith, Brian, and Robert convinced me to come. "Okay, okay, we can go," Brian said in surrender. Everyone was trying again and again to convince him for a party at Starkid Manor. Against his better judgement, he said yes.

Disclaimer: I only own Luna and the plot line.

I am on spring break!!! Woohoo!!! Unfortunately, I have to read 700 pages of David Copperfield for history and the entirety of A Passage to India for history as well. They are both very boring. I don't want to do that. Well, nothing else exciting or notable has happened, so have a great week!!!

--Luna :D

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