~Chapter Twenty-Three~

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Trigger Warning from some parts of chapter twenty-one

The next day, Darren, Julia, Chuck, and Sophia flew in. "I've missed you guys," I said, hugging them closely.

"Well, we're only here for the rest of today, tomorrow, and then we're leaving," Darren said. I squeezed him.

"As long as I get to see you guys again," I whispered. They smiled as we drove first to Starkid manor where Darren, Julia, and Sophia were staying. Then, we made it to Brian and Meredith's where Chuck would be staying with us. I led him to the spare room Brian and Meredith had just in case. Once he dropped his stuff in there, we headed to the main living area, where everyone was. After greetings, we all decided to head onto the theater, where night rehearsals were taking place. Once Darren & Co™. left, we went on with rehearsal. This was full hair and makeup, so I was looking forward to helping.

"Let's do this," Brian said, sending all of us backstage. I went with the swarm and figured out where I could help. Rachael was able to get her wig on easily, so I just made sure everyone went on in time. We had a close call when Dylan had to become the genie, but besides that, the show was close to perfect. I found my family later that day and meant to sleep at Brian and Meredith's, but we all ended up falling asleep to a Disney™ movie.

Later that night, Chuck woke me up. "We have to get to Brian and Mere's," he said, his tone rushed. I felt around for my shoes and slipped them on.

"Can we stay, though?" I begged him.

"No, but you can stay with me. I'm calling a taxi," Chuck said, picking me up. I rested my head on his shoulder until we got home. I slipped off and got ready for bed before crawling into bed with Chuck.

"Thank you," I mumbled to him, half asleep.

"Sleep. It'll all be okay. I'm here," he assured me.

The next morning, I ate breakfast before Chuck and I went off to find the rest of our family. Darren and Julia were furiously working. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked.

"No. We're almost done," Darren said, putting away some work that he finished quickly. Julia finished within thirty seconds.

"Yeah, let's go eat," Julia agreed. We went down to the kitchen, where there appeared to be a breakfast feast of cold pizza.

"Coming to rehearsal later, mini-Criss?" Joe asked. I nodded.

"You bet," I said.

"Joseph Walker, do you even know my sister's name?" Darren asked, mildly worried. Joe pretended to think. "It's a yes or no question."

"Yes, I do. I would worry about Brian. He may not," Joe said.

"Good. Now, can I take the car?" Darren asked.

"Yeah," Nick called, "Keys are on the counter."

Darren spotted the keys. "Good. Now, we'll take some time. What time do you need Luna back?" He asked.

"She has to be in the theater by four," Joe responded. I nodded in agreement.

"Good. So, we're leaving. I'll have her in the theater by four if Brian and Mere panic," Darren said, leaving with us.

We started on the drive while Chuck explained what was going on. "Okay, I just want to prep you. We are paying him a visit that he will never forget in his sorry lifetime," he said, "I want to make sure you're comfortable and okay with it."

"I am," I said, taking his hand.

"We'll be there the whole time," he assured me.

"And please don't mention this to any of our parents. They think that we're just here to make sure you're okay," Darren said it.

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