~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

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Trigger Warning for child abuse and PTSD

"So that's why?" I asked Mum, clutching Robert's phone like my life source.

"Yes. I didn't account for any of this. I just wanted you to not know," she said, crying on the other side of the line. "I was wanted you to have a normal childhood without those worries."

"That's so much to take in and I really appreciate your thought. Okay. Well, I'm going to head to bed right now. We have rehearsal tomorrow," I said.

"Okay. Luna, I love you," Mum said.

"I love you, too," I breathed as Chuck came through the door.

"You forgot your phone," he said, pulling it out of his pocket.

"Thanks," I said, taking it. I looked at him. "Mum told me everything. The PTSD, wounds, everything."

Chuck hugged me wordlessly. Everything and nothing was said. "Do me a favor and go to bed with Robert. I know you have things to respond to on your phone, but do it tomorrow," Chuck said, sending me off with a kiss on my forehead.

It was dark when I crawled in with Robert. "Did you know?" I asked him.

"Only recently," he responded.

The next day, I was feeling better as I headed to breakfast. "How did you sleep, Holiday Grinch?" I asked Brian after my first cup of coffee.

"Terribly. And you?" Brian asked.

"Can't say anything much better. Doubling up on caffeine," I said, making myself my second cup of coffee.

"That's not a bad idea," Brian said. After he had almost finished his first cup, he spoke again. "Fine-tuning, soundcheck, lunch, matinee, dinner, and last the night."

"Full day. We can do that," Meredith said. We made Chuck go back with Darren while we had rehearsal. We could have been fine-tuning, but instead we wasted time, tired from last night. I saw Clark across the theater. We made eye contact and I pulled out my phone. He nodded and we separated directions. I got a look at my notifications. Darren had sent me a lot of messages which I chose not to so much as look at. Clark seemed worried about me yesterday over texts and the ten missed FaceTime™ calls. I texted him.

Sorry didn't reply. I was ignoring everything bc DC and I left my phone here last night. Chuck brought it when I was sleeping

(A/N texting now. Luna is LC and Clark is CB)

CB: No, it's ok. I get it. Sorry about that stupid truce I made

LC: It's all good. Brian said he could cover for us.

CB: How do we know this is a good idea?

LC: I made him promise.

CB: Okay. Talk to him. Dressing room in five

(A/N all normal :D)

"Brian," I said, going up to him when he was alone.

"Do you need me for something?" Brian asked.

"Cover for us? Dressing room," I said.

"Yeah. I got it," he said.

"Thanks," I muttered, slipping backstage. I found Clark in the dressing room. "Got it."

"Good," he said. I sat in a chair across from him. "How was yesterday?"

"Shit," I said.

"Tell me about it. From warm-up," he said.

I Promise (Explicit Version)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat