~Chapter Thirty-One~

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First, he hugged me. I hugged him back. "I'm sorry about my panic this morning. But I want to know the truth. What happened last night? I know you weren't with Jeff," Darren said.

"Before I have to tell you, I need your word that there will be no overreaction," I said to him.

"I promise," Darren said, a hand on his heart.

"I was with Clark," I said, shrinking back from Darren, afraid of his reaction. He was silent for a while.

"You've changed," Darren said finally. I looked at him in confusion. "I remember the very first day I met you, in March. We were going a decade at a time."

"You have had quite the life. But have you ever had a love life?" Darren asked with a smile.

"No. Never been on a date, never been kissed, but I have married fictional crushes. They just don't know it yet," I said.

"And I told you I had never been on a date or kissed. I just had fictional husbands," I remembered. Darren grinned.

"You've changed so much. And I hate to ruin this, but Chuck's leaving before the rest of us so I would recommend packing some stuff you want to take by the end of today. He's leaving tomorrow morning," Darren said. I let my expression stay neutral until Darren left. He shut the door behind himself and I flopped onto my bed with a sigh. I let myself stay there for five minutes before resuming packing. What did I not need? I didn't need some of my crop tops. Not the white ones. Only one. I eliminated about half of my clothing in one suitcase along with some extra little things I didn't need, like some of my necklaces I packed in case of a nice outing. The only two I had was my Deathly Hallows one and the one Clark had given me a little while after our very first date. It had a coat of arms that read Ravenclaw. I smiled at the memory and closed my suitcase before bringing it to Chuck's room.

"Hey," I said, poking my head it.

"Done?" He asked me. I nodded and fingered the chains absentmindedly. "What's up?"

"I don't want to leave. I've formed a life here. Love life and friends," I admitted.

"Come here," Chuck said, patting the bed next to him. I went up next to him and curled into his side. "I know it's hard. But you have to remember what Brian told you. I'm going to be sure that you're going to be back more than once."

"Thanks," I said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Go spend your final days with your boyfriend," Chuck said. I kissed his cheek and went onto my phone. From Clark <3: Theater. ASAP. There's someone I think you need to know. I got worried, but obeyed. When I got to the theater, I saw Clark in front.

"Is this going to be okay?" I asked him.

"Yes. I wouldn't let this happen if there was any danger involved," he said, giving my a tight hug. "You washed your hair. It smells like vanilla. I'm not a creep."

"I know you're not. Let's go," I said, taking his hand.

"Okay," he said, opening the doors. It was so empty after Twisted. I saw someone sitting in the front few rows. I looked at Clark with questioning eyes. "Hey!"

"Oh hi! Is this your girlfriend?" The unfamiliar man asked.

"Um yeah. Pierce, this is Luna. Luna, this is Pierce, my housemate in Brooklyn," Clark said. I stuck out my hand.

"Hi," I said timidly as he gripped my hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Hi," he smiled at me and I couldn't help but grin back.

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