~Chapter Thirty-Three~

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I had finally packed most of my stuff back to Chicago. I only had to bring two bags and only one of the two had to be checked. It was official. I'm moving to Chicago. I'll be there with Robert until he goes back to Australia and whatnot. I can be there for Meredith and Brian's whole journey in starting a family. I had already said goodbye to Julia and I only had to say one to Darren before I left. Funny, isn't it, how you wish so much for something only to realize it's not at all what you thought.

When my DNA found a match, I was scared that my biological family would hate me and hurt me and never accept me.

When Brian called Robert the morning after the audition, I thought there would be bad news.

When I came to Chicago, I feared I wouldn't make any friends.

When I realized that Darren Criss was my older brother, I thought he wouldn't have time for me.

When I took the chance to wait all of this out and see how fate would control it, I was in for a nice surprise.

We finally pulled up to the airport. I checked my bags and walked over to security. It was time.

"This is it," Darren said. I buried my face in his chest, wanting to yet still wanting to leave.

"I don't want to go. I still want you there," I said.

"Well, remember this. I won't be there to embarrass you. We've got these days of summer to remind us of each other."

"The time we have to spend apart will keep us in each other's hearts," I said, my voice breaking slightly.

"I'm hoping that the good old days are something I will dream about at night. Don't matter if it's soon or later, I know that it's gonna be alright," Darren said, smiling at me.

"Don't wanna see you go, but it's not forever, not forever. Even if it was you know that I would never let it get me down. 'Cause you're the part of me that makes me better, where-ever I go. So I will try not to cry, but no one needs to say goodbye," Darren and I said together.

"I'll see you, Luna. My moon and all my stars," Darren said.

"I'll see you too, DareBear," I said.

"Call me," Darren said.

"I will. I promise," I responded, finally leaving.

I went through security and boarded the plane. I sent Brian and Meredith a text. Should be in CHI. in about two hours...text you when I arrive.

I put my phone on airplane mode and leaned back, ready for the flight.

We landed in Chicago two hours later. I texted Brian and Meredith, who just so happened to be here already. I found them pretty easily. "We haven't told anyone about you," Meredith smiled. She had an almost invisible baby bump developed in a week. "Baby Twisted is also very healthy." (A/N Lindsay Cummings, co-author of Zenith was pregnant and she called her baby Baby Zenith, so inspiration for this)

"Well, let's go," I said, making a fist and pointing towards the entrance.

"Yep. We're sneaking you in today and play it by ear from there," Brian said as he loaded my bag into the car. We headed home as I gave them a summary of my week. We finally made it home.

"Change of plans. Your cousin came home early from his conversation with Jeff and he's alone. He's going to find out when you come in," Meredith said. I nodded and grabbed my bag. Brian unlocked the door and walked in. I went in after Meredith. I closed the door behind her and locked it.

"What the fuck?" Robert yelped, strangling me in a hug. Out of sheer joy, he picked me up, my toes two inches above the ground.

"I'm staying," I said into his neck. He let me down.

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