~Chapter Twenty-One~

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Trigger Warning for child abuse and jailbreaks. If you get triggered, please comment on this line and I can let you know what happened.

"I can't go any further. I'm moving back to LA in a month and a half," I said suddenly as the tears blurred my vision.

"Sit down," Clark said, his voice hardening. I obeyed. When he spoke again, his voice was gentle and soft. "We can make this work. But don't think about moving yet. We have a while. Just live in this moment. Meet me behind the slide in five."

"Alright," I said, looking at my phone where Mum texted me. It was a link and the headline read Jail Break! Shocked, I tapped the link. BREAKING NEWS! Arrested for five years due to abuse, Charles Criss broke out of jail last night. Sources say they saw him going towards the airport. If any new news is discovered, alert the police immediatly. I didn't know how to take this news until I heard something all to familiar that I didn't want to deal with.

"Seems like you haven't recovered yet, you slut," he snarled in my ear. I carefully slipped off my right shoe and ignored the scent around him. Smoke and alcohol. Mainly scotch, whiskey, and vodka. "Respond to me you whore," he snarled, pulling on my shirt. I aimed a kick at what I hoped was a good area. I missed and turned around sharply.

"Fuck you," I said.

"No, you fuck me," he said, gripping onto various articles of clothing.

"Ew no. Despite how much I want to murder you right now, you made up half of me," I said, "So leave or just slap me to unconsciousness. No fucking."

"Fine you bitch," he growled, slapping me everywhere. He was about to get my face as I took my chance and screamed a panicked scream. Like a knight in shining armor, Clark ran in my direction and defended me. He got into a civil-ish fight while I called the police.

"Charles Criss...park...that one...quick," I said. Not even two minutes later, police pulled up while I kept blocking off my abuser. The finally grabbed hold of him and clicked on the handcuffs.

"Another officer should be here soon to talk to you and ask about everything. This guy's going to prison," one of the officers said.

"This isn't over," my abuser spat towards me. One of the officers forced him into the car.

"Thank you, officer," I said.

"No problem. Thank you for reporting him," he said with a tip of his hat. They sped off and I faced Clark. Without any warning, I closed the gap.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," he said, kissing me briefly again. A public services car pulled out and two people came out. One was a professionally dressed woman and the other was a police officer. The lady sat at the table across from us.

"Hello. I'm Deborah Smith and I work with social services. From what I was told, you both spotted Charles Criss, recently escaped. Is today your first time seeing him or have you had a past with him?" She asked.

"Hi. I'm Luna Criss-Manion. Charles Criss is my biological father and today was my second time seeing him and his third time abusing me. He abandoned me on the streets of Australia and left me with bruises when I was around two years old. The second time was a few months ago and he broke my wrist, damaging a lot of the tissue. Today was the third time, but I was able to get him to avoid raping me," I said. Clark gripped my hand under the table and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"Yeah, I'm Clark Baxtresser. Today was my first time seeing him after Luna screamed from here and I got into a fight," he said, gesturing to his black eye forming.

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