~Chapter Twenty-Four~

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I flew back to LA a week before we were all flying back to Chicago for opening night. I landed and checked my texts. I had one from Darren. I'm picking you up today. Outside the gates :)

I smiled to myself and went to the gate. Darren was there and he hugged me. "I've missed you," he muttered.

"Me too," I said.

"Your appointment is tomorrow and then the whole cast missed you, so you're coming back to work with me. I don't care if you like it or not," Darren smiled. I grinned back.

"It's good to be back," I said.

"Glad you're happy. Let's go home. Chuck is still here and Mom popped in for a bit," Darren explained as we started the ride home. I took his hand over the dashboard.

"Okay. I'm also very done with this cast," I said.

"But it's almost gone. I had a chat with the doctor and he said that it should be healed soon," Darren said. I beamed.

"I hope so! Work has been hard!" I exclaimed.

"Well, for now, let's go home. Settle in. Tomorrow, we'll go to your appointment," Darren said. We both went inside where I embraced my family.

"I cannot believe that asshole!" Mom exclaimed. I sat by her.

"He knows his place. And is there a place where I could hypothetically acquire a machete or pepper spray at least?" I asked.

"Drugstore," Chuck answered, tossing me his keys.

"Chuck," I said, holding them, puzzled.


"I don't know how to drive in the US," I said. He face-palmed.

"I'll teach you. With any sort of license, you can drive here. Come on," he said. I followed behind him eagerly and he backed out of the garage and we switched spots.

"Wait, it's the same!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! You caught on quickly. Go slowly," he said. I buckled in and adjusted everything. I got the hang of it pretty easily.

"Can I drive there? Give me directions," I said. Chuck nodded and we made it there in around ten minutes. After getting some pepper spray and a Swiss Army knife, we drove back.

"My little sister learned to drive in a backwards system within seconds," Chuck bragged when we entered. Darren hugged me.

"I'm proud of you," he said. Mom and Julia joined in the hug as I held Sophia.

This must be how it feels to have a home.

Later that night, I was working while watching A New Hope. I liked Star Wars but I wouldn't consider myself a fanatic, however. I just liked this movie.

"Need any help?" Mom asked me. I shook my head.

"Thanks for asking, but I'm good. I have to send them off tonight, so I'm checking them for a final time," I explained, doing just that. I sent the email and closed my laptop and snuggled close into Mom's side. She pulled me closer.

The next day, I ended up getting a brace on my wrist that went up to my elbow. I could properly wash my wrist. After my appointment, I went with Darren to work. It was great to see everyone again. I missed them. "Did you finish?" Chris asked me when I entered, nearly strangling me. I nodded.

"It was phenomenal. I cried at the end," I said.

"Well, wait a year and you can get the next one," he said. I smiled and sat in the back to watch.

Later that day, I received a phone call from my loving cousin. "How was today?" He asked me.

"I got a brace and went to work again with Darren," I said, closing my book, "What did you do?"

"We recorded the album. Joe also learned that he has been fucking up some lyrics for forever in No One Remembers Achmed so he learned that today. I captured the exact moment it happen. Check your texts," Robert said. I heard his smile and grinned back.

"Ok. How is everyone surviving without me?" I asked.

"They're doing okay. Everyone misses you. Especially your boyfriend," Robert said. I leaned back and groaned.

"I don't think we're official yet."

"That's not what he said."

"Okay so it's official now?"

"I guess."

"Who did he tell?"

"Me," Robert said. I took a deep breath. "Go talk to him."

"Okay. See you soon!" I said, reluctantly hanging up. I finally called Clark.

"What's up?" He asked me.

"Not too much. How was the album recording?" I asked, walking up the stairs. I didn't need my older brothers hearing my conversation.

"Normal. Did your cousin tell you about Joe's colossal fuck-up?"

"Yes. Though colossal seems extreme," I said.

"Maybe a little bit. But it was fabulous."

"Just like Joe."

"True. Well, did you cousin also tell you...?"

"About our weird defining? Yes," I said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. Did you want to—"

"I'm good with it. Fantastic in fact," I said.

"Wait really?" I heard his grin.

"Yeah." I picked at the carpet in my room before moving onto a Tangle™ (A/N if you fidget I highly recommend this fidget I love it).

"Um, okay then. So, I'll see you next week," he said.

"See you too," I said, hanging up and plugging in my phone. I headed downstairs and found Mom cooking something.

"DareBear, go," she commanded Darren, who was trying to eat whatever she was cooking. She swatted her spatula in the general direction of his hand jokingly.

"Mom, please," Darren begged.

"No. Luna, you just have a gluten allergy, right?" Mom asked me. I nodded. "Good. You got that from me."

"And we missed out on it," Darren bragged.

"Shut up," I said.

"And I am sorry that all gluten-free bread falls apart," Chuck said.

"I don't like bread to begin with and gluten-free bread tastes like normal bread. I only like cornbread," I admitted.

"You are a monster! How do you not like bread!" Darren exclaimed.

"DareBear, stop being mean to your sister!" Mom exclaimed, waving her spatula in Darren's general direction.

"Well, how's your boyfriend doing?" Darren asked.

"You don't need to know about my love life," I said.

"I want to seeing as I'm seeing him soon," Darren said.

"But you'll survive without knowing," I said with sass.

"You win!" Darren exclaimed in defeat as we sat down on the dinner table.

Disclaimer: I only own Luna and the plot line. Everyone in here is a fictional version of themselves.

I'm uploading two today!

--Luna :D

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